July 1, 2007

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave . . .

Thank you America. Thank you for being a haven to those early men and women who left their homes to find refuge on your shores. Thank you for having founding fathers who drafted an inspired document with which to govern. Thank you for having beautiful, varied lands from mountains, to deserts, to swamps, to beaches. Thank you for being a place where I can worship my Father in Heaven freely.

Thank you for having hot dogs and ice cream, potato chips and apple pie. Thank you for having Baseball and Football. Thank you for having air conditioning and Disney World.

Thank you for being a democracy and country that cares about other countries. Thank you for having soldiers who are willing to risk their lives to help others. Thank you for your gumption, your stick-to-itiveness, and your willingness to get the job done.

Thank you for being the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Thank you for being the land that I call home. Thank you for being a land where I am glad to raise my children. Thank you for being a blessed nation. I love you America!

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