June 28, 2007

This One's For The Scubbies . . .

When my brother Matt was younger he dutifully joined the Cub Scouts, as most Mormon boys do at the age of eight. At the time though, he wasn't able to pronounce the words 'Cub Scouts', and instead called them 'Scub Scouts', which is what they have affectionately been known as in our family ever since. But to my older brother Chris and I, they are just the Scubbies.

Well, today I spent an entire day with the Scubbies at Camp Snyder in Gainesville, Virginia. In. The. Blazing. Heat.

Can I even describe to you what it is like to be surrounded by 20 Scubbies ages eight to ten from 8:00 in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon? Three words come to mind - torturous, loud, and sweaty.

I did this for my son. I have done this for two years now, for my son. And just coincidentally, those two days, out of the entire 365 (x2) days in a year have been the sunniest, hottest, most humid on record. Lucky me.

Why do Scubbies insist on yelling obnoxious cheers over lunch? Why do scubbies insist on whipping eachother with their bandanas? Why do scubbies like to get eachother (and all else around them) sopping wet to the point of chaffing?

I wish I could show you a picture of the Scubbies, but I cannot, for I was to sweaty myself to operate my camera. Instead I will let you imagine it on your own. Meanwhile, I will go in and collapse in an exhausted heap on my couch, in my air conditioned living room and fall into a Scubbie induced coma.

This one was for you, Scubbies!

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