July 2, 2007

I Don't Want To Grow Up . . .

I had a mommy moment today. They are few and far in between, but mommy moments are those rare moments when one of my children says or does something profound and meaningful to me that makes me realize all my hard work and dedication to them is actually appreciated and so very worth it. These mommy moments seem to happen in a different time spectrum than real time. I almost feel like time is standing still for me and my little wonders.

Today, it was Soren who did the time stopping for me. I was outside in our sandbox using a seive to get all of the rocks, leaves and mung out of the sand. Why was I doing this? Because I am an anal mom who likes nice smooth sand for my kids to play in. Also because I had just put mesh screening on the bottom of the sand box lid so no more gunk was going to be getting in the sand. And lastly, because it was a gorgeous day and I needed something to do outside.

So there was Soren, sitting with me, playing with his little army men in the newly smoothed sand. He commented on how nice the clean sand was (thoughtful little fellow) and asked me why I was doing this job in the sand. I told him I was doing it for him so he would have nice sand. Then he just sat and stared at me for a while. I continued my work, but when I looked up at him again, he had tears in his eyes. I asked him what was wrong and he blurted out,

"Momma, I don't want to grow up."

"Why not?" I replied, "Look at Chris and Hannah - don't they seem to be having fun growing up?"

He nodded yes but then said, "If I grow up, I will have to leave you and your house."

Heart strings tugged, lump inching its way up my throat, I answered, "But we'll always be very special buddies, you and me, Soren and I'll come to you wherever you are. You know that."

By now, he had scooted over and climbed up into my lap. He touched my face, something neither of my other kiddoes have ever done, and said quietly,

"I don't want you to be a grandma because then you'll be old."

I've gotta love a boy who shares my sentiments about growing old! I made a little deal with him that he and I wouldn't get older, but just stay like we are right now. He seemed happy with that and after a quick huggle (hug and snuggle)he went back to his army men. I was happy too, at least to know that he will believe that for awhile, and then about the time he quits believing it he won't want to live in my house forever.

I continued my sifting, peeking at him from the corner of my eye and thinking just how much I didn't want him to grow up either.

1 comment:

Pinspot said...

Matt's placing bets that your little nugget is going to grow up and be a prophet one day. I'm just hoping that he never loses that sweet nature, and that someday I get a little boy just like him.