June 2, 2007

Take Me Out To The Ball Game . . .

Spent five hours in the blazing sun today cheering myself hoarse as I rooted for the Pixies (green uniformed Hannah) and the Lookouts (red uniformed Chris)softball and baseball teams respectively. I am becoming far too enamored with the sport of baseball. Unfortunately, I am finding that it has way too many rules and I can't keep up with all of them.

Am far too dehydrated, sunburned and exhausted to write anything meaningful, but can say that it was a really great day because we spent it together as a family supporting each other. And to add to it, both kids had winning games today, so the Pixies finally beat the "Dreaded Daffodils" whose coach makes small girls cry, and the Lookouts have advanced to the next round of the single elimination AA tournament. If only they didn't have to face the undefeated Muckdogs next week. Take me out the the ball game indeed . . .

Enjoy pictures of my cuties!

1 comment:

Pinspot said...

You did it! Pictures! Hooray! Honestly, don't you think content is way more important than tags, links etc?! I do. Which is why you will not be included on my new blog. I'm gonna start a blog that quotes stupid things people say on their blogs.