June 3, 2007


It should really be the Beach Top Twenty or Thirty, but I will try to narrow it down to ten fabulous things that made me love our family trip to Bethany Beach, Delaware last weekend. Here goes:

10. Hearing dad call mom "Miss Heater Pump over there" in reference to her menapausal hot flashes and the AC in our beach house.

9. Watching Samuel eat handfuls of sand despite protests from his parents.

8. Building sandcastles and sand mermaids for my kids.

7. Seeing a school of 15 dolphins from 100 yards away and two nurse sharks from 5 feet away.

6. Eating Oreos and Nutter Butters all weekend long - without guilt.

5. Watching Audrey sacrifice her sunglasses while getting eaten by a wave.

4. Seeing three movies that I've been wanting to watch for a long time.

3. Working out at the gym with my mom.

2. Seeing my family together enjoying a much deserved relaxing weekend.

1. The looks on the faces of Soren, Hannah, Chris, Jonah and Samuel while we were at the beach - pure joy.

Thanks to my sweetheart for making this amazing weekend possible for my family.


The Carlsons said...

Great List, I'll be adding pix soon. Glad you figured out how to do it.

Aiketa said...

Look at the Queen!!! :D
hhahahaha it's hilarious how you father called your mom! ;)

Such a great Top 10, as always it's sound like a great vacation.