June 5, 2007

Dinner of Champions!

Last night wasn't a typical night at our house. Due to a slight meltdown earlier in the day by one piano playing child (or at the moment, non-piano playing child), I wasn't able to make it to the grocery store before the barrage of softball games and baseball practices arrived. Our refrigerator was pretty bare.

So, in an act of sheer desparation, I fed my children COLD CEREAL for dinner. Let me state for the record that I have NEVER done this before in my nine years of being a parent! The funny thing about it is the reaction I got from my chicklets when I told them what we were having for dinner. You'd think they'd just won a million dollars! They were so happy and gobbled up their cold cereal like I would a great pasta dish or a nice steak.

It made me wonder why I slave over dinners every night that are usually bound to make at least one person unhappy. I may have to fall back on this new dinner plan more often. (Not seriously) It is enjoyable when I realize how easy my kids are to please - and how strange a way to do it! And now I know that Cold Cereal is the dinner of Champions!


The Carlsons said...

HAA HAA HAA! I would have thought with all your great breakfast dinners that this would have come up before. I of course think this is the breakfast of champions. A semi-decent cold cereal for main course and a really sugary one for dessert. Use to do it all the time when Chris traveled. Although I have not done this trick exactly with my own kids, Jonah does request oatmeal about every other week which I do make with all joy and happiness of a "What's for dinner tonight" Mother.

The Carlsons said...

Thats funny, Cold or hot cereal is the meal of choice for my wife.

Aiketa said...

Love love love this pic of your family!!! Hannie B. is so little, and Big C so so blonde... And RedDog could be Owlie.

I'm enjoying this trip to your old post! :D