June 7, 2007

Look What I Can Do!

Please say the above title with the voice of Stuart from MADTV.

If you read my last blog, you'll see that I had a momentary lapse in reason as a parent. It is usually in moments like this that I become completely frustrated with my abilities to keep my life under control and do all the things I should be doing as a mom, wife, person, etc. I know - silly - but it's just part of my type A, please everyone, anal retentive personality.

So, it comes as no suprise to me, and to those of you who know me I'm sure, that yesterday I decided to have a Supermom Day. A Supermom Day is a day where I try to go above and beyond my human capablities and accomplish five million things at the speed of light while simultaneously adoring my children and cooking a fabulous WHOLESOME meal.

I almost feel like I should start from the end of this story and tell you that I collapsed into my bed at about 8:45 pm last night and I don't remember anything that happened until about 6:30 am this morning. That in itself is a feat for me, since I usually am up at least 2 times a night with either a kid or a full bladder.

Now to what "did me in" yesterday. As you know, I killed and removed the Spiderbush last week. The bare remains of its former home are an eyesore in our yard. We had already begun to take action, ordering rock and planting a lovely dogwood tree in it's place. But now we'd reached a standstill. Not content with staring at the pile of stone sitting on our curb waiting to be transformed magically into a retaining wall by my traveling husband, I decided to take it upon myself to do the job. Three hours of seriously hot manual labor later, I had a wall, a smashed finger and a very sweaty body.

Unfortunately, the wall was only the beginning of my day (started it at 8:15 am). After the wall, I also did the following - all before 5:30 pm :
Dig up and transplant two azealia bushes.
Trim the rose bushes.
Dig up and transplant a lariope plant and 4 petunia plants.
Mow the front and back lawns and bag all yard clippings for recycling.
Wash and fold three loads of laundry.
Unload and reload dishwasher.
Clean kitchen.
Make 4 beds.
Care for one sick child.
Go visit my mother for one hour.
Have lunch at Subway with my father.
Catch up on all email.
Practice piano for one hour.
Plan and execute delicious, wholesome meal. (seriously)

That may not seem like a lot - but believe me, IT IS A LOT!!!!! I finished up the retaining wall project today with a couple bags of mulch and some gorgeous perennials called balloon flowers. I think it all turned out really nice. (Enjoy picture above) And the most satisfying thing about it all, is that I didn't know I could do it - let alone all the other things I accomplished along with it. Lucky for me, Supermom Days only come along once or twice a month. For the rest of the time, I am just regular old mom - bum wiper, boo boo fixer, and disciplinarian extraordinaire.


The Carlsons said...

Thats all you did? You would have been more super had you completed another suber blog entry that day, and made cookies for your big brother.

Pinspot said...

Here's what I did yesterday: (after 4 1/2 hours of sleep the night before):
-Bought fruits and veggies at weird mexican flea market
-'Took care of business' for my traveling husband.
-Used awesome Imac software to shorten "Thriller" and compose a techno remix of "A Whole New World" for the road show.
-Re-choreographed "A Whole New World" cause everyone said it was too hard.
-Taught new choreography to 12 ungrateful, bratty teen-agers.
-Watched in horror while said teenagers couldn't remember 20% of their lines, even though they've had the script for 5 weeks, and the road show's in 9 days.
-Fed my children McDonalds for dinner.
-Spent 2 1/2 hours creating props/set for road show.
-Ate left over birthday cake for dinner.
-Made a half-hearted attempt to clean up for mother-in-law who promises not to give me a white glove test.
Moral of the story: My life sucks right now.

Pinspot said...

PS- I'm thoroughly impressed at all you did yesterday, and even more impressed that you have 1-2 days like that a month. I NEVER have days like that. I swear, you Nelson women....

Aiketa said...

So, here I have the answer: dogwood tree!
I'm impressed at all you did! You had the right to be exhausted!