June 8, 2007

It's A Scorcher . . .

It is hot enough today to make even me want to get my boody in a swimsuit and head to the pool! Our pool has been closed for the past four days because of a broken pump. Let's hope they've fixed it by today, or my children are going to go postal. In the mean time, I've cranked the AC down to 76 (don't tell the temperature Nazi) and I am about to go down into the basement where my piggies will feel like popsicles after about 25 minutes.

I am babysitting the sweet little two year-old boy from across the street right now. He is knee-high to a grasshopper and so cute. When I carried him upstairs for his nap, it made me realize just how big my Reddog is. He will be four on Tuesday, and I am going through complete denial. He will be my baby unti there is another baby, if there ever is another baby.

Check out the cool name plates I created for our Stake Girl's Camp this year. The YCLs are having a focus on women of the Bible. They will wear these name plates and try to emulate the characteristics of these righteous women. Of course, a shoutout needs to go to my good friend Angela, who scripted all the lettering for the 36 plates. I know I have good handwriting, but this girl rocks! She's even taken an Edwardian Scripting class. Whoa! Anyway, I thought they turned out nicely.

Time to go! Big kids home in about 17 minutes. Time to face the rush, the chatter, the hungry mouths . . . and the heat.


The Carlsons said...

Tell me about it! We went to the pool when it finally opened and you could not believe the number of people there and everyone in the water all the way. Hope you got to get in yourself.

The name plates look so awesome! Having something so cool I think will help the YCL's take this seriously. You (and Angela) are super fab!

P.S. I think you're impresstamp web site is wrong. I did find something that I think you meant to put in. Just thought I'd let you know!

Love YA

The Carlsons said...
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