June 24, 2007

New Hair, New Toes . . .

It's an accepted truth that I don't spend a lot of time pampering myself in the sort of "spa way" that many gals my age are used to these days. I rarely paint my toe nails, I never get facials, and I put off getting my hair colored and cut until the last possible moment - which is usually when my dad starts noticing how bad it looks. I consider pampering myself a trip down into my basement after my kids are in bed to watch a Tivoed rerun of Alias or an episode of Divine Design.

Don't get me wrong - I try to look my best . . . at least on Sundays at church when people other than my kids actually see me. I'm just not a super high maintenance kind of girl. I sort of pride myself on the fact that my getting ready routine can be accomplished in a half hour flat, and that includes a shower (add five minutes if shaving the legs is necessary.) I also don't mind going a few days without make up. It lets my skin breathe.

Why am I sharing all this on the blog? Well, yesterday was an exception to the above. I had a gift certificate for a pedicure that was getting close to expiring, so I went and had my piggies done up. It is super dreamy to have all of the dead skin scraped off your heels while sitting in a massage chair. Then when the leg massage started . . . Have mercy! All my troubles just floated away into that little pool of whirly dirt water.

Next I headed over to a Day Spa/Salon to have the fabulous Dana cut and color my hair. A necessary measure indeed, as I found myself in a pony tail almost every day last week, which is a sure sign of bad hair issues. Dana is a miracle worker and I left her feeling like a new woman. She cut a significant amount of hair off, but I am in love with this new cut. I'm going to take a self potrait and attach it to this post tomorrow.

In all, it was a relaxing day, but a costly one too. I felt a little guilty when I got home and Soren and Chris had been taken to "Great Clips" for a $2.99 haircut. Alas, I don't do this kind of thing EVER, so yipee for me!

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