June 22, 2007

Fun Fridays . . .

We have dubbed Fridays this summer as "Fun Fridays". No waking up and doing summer school, no practicing piano, no doing chores. Instead it means that I, the ultimate mom, have to find something fun, and maybe a little bit out of the ordinary, for the kiddoes to do, whether it be going somewhere new, or doing it around here. We'll see if I can keep this up for the whole summer. If today was an idication of the joy and gladness to come - I think it might actually be totally worth it!

The first part of our fun today started with breakfast. Instead of the usual fare of cereal or frozen waffles, we concocted a delicious smoothie of strawberries, bananas, yogurt, milk, ice and (because I am an awesome mom) one scoop of premium vanilla ice cream. Okay, I know the milk and ice cream technically qualify this breakfast as a milkshake, but doesn't smoothie sound healthier?

Next we did our first summer science experiment. It wasn't a huge one - I just demonstrated the effects of mixing baking soda and vinegar - but the kids still thought it was cool and I think they understood the idea that two substances, when mixed, can cause a reaction. Also known as Chris and Hannah together. :) I've been online checking out some fun (and edible) experiments that we will do as the summer progresses. Stole the whole science experiment idea from my friend and mentor Scharman, aka the Tradition Girl.

Our third fun event for today was to go to a local farm and pick blueberries. Even though the farm was only three miles from our house, I got us lost on the way. The perfectly good explanation for my poor navigation is that I was looking for something a little bigger than what we found! It was this tiny patch of a field two turns off the major road. Behind a thicket of trees was a tiny bench with a cash box sitting on it for you to put your money in and buckets to take over to the blueberry patch. Talk about the honor system! I found it charming that this farmer would still think that well of the world!

We took our friends the Mecks with us, paid our five dollars for two quart buckets (a STEAL OF A DEAL!) and headed to the blueberry patch. We were the only ones there! And oh the surprise of my life - I had NO IDEA blueberries grew on trees! The kids had a great time finding blueberries and we came home with an entire quart which we will use in smoothies, cobbler and in our cereal. I think we will go back one more time and pick more berries to freeze.

The kids had a great time and so did I! We spent a few hours at the pool afterwards and now are all tuckered out and ready to just chill in our house. I LOVE FUN FRIDAYS!

1 comment:

The Carlsons said...

Thanks for the great stories of your week! I've already added some of your ideas into my own and will steal more at later stages of life. You are such a great person!! I'm glad not only to be your sister but your friend. i love you.