October 22, 2012

Her Pinkness …

Every Friday in October the middle school has pink days for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Hannie B. has had a great time the last few weeks decking herself out from head to toe for the cause.

She was super excited to borrow some pink hair spray from a friend one day so we could tint her tips pink.  I could tell she thought she had reached the epitome of coolness.

She and her friend Abby made cute freezer paper t-shirts that they wear each Friday with some sort of crazy pink outfit concoction.

My favorite part of this particular day? The hot pink knee socks and tennies. She owned it like nobody’s business. I don’t know about you, but I was not nearly this confident as a 7th grader.

Pink October is dear to my heart as it always reminds me of my friend Linnea who began her battle with breast cancer five years ago and beat it.  It’s been five years!  Way to go Linnea.

How about you? Have you done anything to champion the fight against breast cancer this month?

PS. For those of you who asked, I’ve already posted the S’mores Cupcake recipe.  You can find it here. I am now a little more than halving the frosting recipe because it makes A LOT.


Apis Melliflora said...

I've scheduled my annual appointment, prayed for a friend with breast cancer and will be bringing her family a meal later this week!

And, although I don't look half as cool as Hannie B, I've worn my pink shirt with pride as well!

LJB said...

My mother-in-law is a breast cancer survivor! But we lost her sister and my father-in-law's sister to breast cancer so we are big advocates of breast cancer awareness. We wear lots of pink during October!

AllisonK said...

Loaf just commented, "I like her. She's pink!"

Loaf is a fan! She is darling.

Anonymous said...

Way-to-go Ms. Hannah. I am heartened to learn that young women like her and her classmates are supporting the effort to end breast cancer which, in turn, will make them more in tuned to their own bodies and vigilant.
Don't you just love it when it's all good and pink.

The Queen Vee said...

Darling, tres chic pink, looking very grown up. Hannie B thanks for supporting just a good cause...I hate cancer.

Christy Hartman Meyers, this pinks for you!

Aiketa said...

Oh, that's awesome! I really like how much she is in for the cause!
Oh, sure I wasn't either that confident...

Does riding my PINK bike around Barcelona count?