December 3, 2010

These Things Makes Me Happy . . .

Have you seen these bagels in your grocery store? If so, I suggest you buy them.


Thomas’ cranberry bagels are a seasonal item and they are right there at the top of my happy list right now.  I’m slathering mine with cranberry orange cream cheese and enjoying it with a cup of Stephens Gourmet hot cocoa in the morning. And because of these bagels it feels like Christmas.


Other things that are making me happy it’s the Christmas Season:

* I’ve got my Cookie Baking scheduled.

I’m doing a batch or two a day and storing them in my downstairs freezer.  That way I don’t get overwhelmed by all the baking at the end of the month.  And that way I can sneak a cookie out of the freezer, into the microwave and then into my mouth ALL MONTH LONG.  First up, THE Ginger Cookies! Next, Cranberry White Chocolate Chip Macadamia Nut Cookies.  And yes, recipes will be shared.

* The Christmas Tree is up!

But not decorated.  We figured we’d give Ollie a few days to get used to it before we hang the temptation right in front of his face.  I’ve got 90% of the Christmas up.  I’ll hit Costco today for fresh greenery and hopefully finish up by the weekend.  And yes, photos will be shared.

* The Christmas Cards are ordered. 

Yes, I said ordered.  As in I am simplifying my card sending process this year and I couldn’t be happier! Jones Design Company even sends gorgeous coordinating address labels so I don’t have to write my return address on 100 cards.  Our family picture, taken by my friend Sue, looks great. And yes, I’ll share it after I’ve put the cards in the mail. Bonus that three families are so on the ball they’ve already sent us cards that are now gracing our wall of fame! I love getting Christmas cards.  Want to send me one?  Email me and I’ll give you my address.

* My Christmas Giveaway is almost ready.

For those of you who want to enter this year, start thinking about your favorite holiday tradition to share with me.  Next week I’ll give the low down on the loot! Because you, my loyal readers, are amazing and deserve to win some free stuff!

Hope you’re also getting into the holiday spirit wherever you call home.

PS.  I spent $100 on that make-up.  One-HUNDRED-Dollars.  Aack.


Aiketa said...

I put my Christmas Tree up yesterday! I am so in the mood this year! And I love walking around the streets of Barcelona with all the Christmas lights and decorations.

The Dragonfly said...

I would love to walk around BARCELONA to Aiketa! Sounds dreamy!

Apis Melliflora said...

You are on the ball Dragonfly. I still haven't figured out where the ball is. But it's only December 3rd. I have 22 more days to find the ball, right?

Tobi said...

My printer ran out of ink otherwise I would have had my cards sent by now.

I think it's so great that you have a baking schedule. I should do that too.

The Queen Vee said...

WOW! Are you sure you're my daughter?

squeezeme said...

Can't wait to get your card....I think your Christmas Card list may have just tripled.... :)

Emily said...

Wow, you are on the ball. Wish I had that much done by now!

TracieCarter said...

I am sooo not surprised! Just surprised I'm soooo blessed to have you inspire me here regularly! Love the baking calendar and at how many cookies can be made from one batch of the infamous ginger cookies! YUM! Well done here, Dragonfly!

Kasey said...

I've never that kind of bagel. I'll have to try it out!

Aiketa said...

Dragonfly, you should come to Barcelona and I'll be your guide!