August 12, 2010

The T-Shirts . . .


A few of you asked about my design for the reunion T-shirts, so here’s a quick explanation:

Megan, this year’s reunion organizer, wanted a baseball themed shirt for every one to wear at the game we usually play during the reunion {sidenote: we didn’t end up playing this year due to heat and too much fun going on at the house!}

I found that great font “Marcelle” with it’s vintage, worn look and fell in love! Then the Hubby came up with the fabulous idea to have not one, but two shirts, representing two teams from the “Twin Cities” where my in-laws grew up. 

She is from LaVerkin, Utah.  He is from Hurricane, Utah.  And believe it or not, if you pronounce it correctly, those two cities actually rhyme {say it HUR-I-CUN}. 

Once we thought for a night about what the team mascots could be,  it was actually quite simple – the LaVerkin Flash, to honor the nickname given to Mona after she entered last minute into a race in college and turned out to be speedy fast, and the Hurricane Farmers to honor Bob who was the President of the Future Farmers of America in his day.

On the back of the shirts is a roster of all the “players” on the team for the 2010 Tournament.  In other words, the name of every family member that attended this year’s reunion.

Everyone seemed to like their shirts and thought the idea was funny!  A huge thank you goes out to the amazing Jennie Doezie who brought my idea to life.  She rocks big time.

Here’s a shot of the seven Lee kids and their mom, “The Flash” and their dad, “The Farmer” in the t-shirts.  Enjoy.



Erin said...

Very cute! How did you "split" the teams and determine who was going to be Team Flash or Team Farmer?

The Queen Vee said...

They look terrific, personally I'm a fan of both teams.

Next year, our fam needs a tee....I'm giving you the assignment.

Apis Melliflora said...

I agree with the Queen. I think we need a shirt with a crown that says :__________________________{fill in the blank with something clever and funny.}