August 13, 2010

Random Thoughts: August Edition . . .


  • The above picture has not been altered or photoshopped in any way.  My baby can indeed fly. True story.
  • I’ve just purchased zitty face wash for my almost-a-teenager.  In other words, pray for us, because we’re in trouble, it has begun.
  • My spell checker doesn’t recognize the verb ‘photoshopped’ or the adjective ‘zitty’.  Hmm…
  • My older brother is being featured in a national ad campaign.  He pretty much rocks, but don’t tell him that – it would just go to his head.
  • I have no less than five MAJOR house projects in various states of undone going on at my house.  I’m working at my own pace, much to the dismay of my mother The Queen.
  • Our summer list is getting shorter.  Still left:  National Zoo, camping, fishing and mini-golf!
  • While in Utah I had my first ‘meeting of people I don’t know except from the internet’ experience.  And it was completely awesome {sigh of relief}.
  • I left two pounds of chocolate covered cinnamon bears in my mother-in-law’s freezer in Utah.  Excuse my while I go wet my pillow with tears over that fatal error.



The Queen Vee said...

I'm not dismayed but did offer to help with your projects thinking that if we completed one it might help the hubby to see the light at the end of the tunnel,are we painting tomorrow?

Apis Melliflora said...

Random comments:

Chris, you rock!

Owlie, you da superman!

House, you will be ready for the Miss American Home Pageant very soon.

School, counting the days over here.

Dragonfly, sweet, kind and funny. Love you.

Burton's blog said...

No doubt Wheaties are still the breakfast of champions.....and flying boys. My sincerest condolences on the cinnamon bears. Bummer.

Kasey said...

I would love to come help you with projects. Wished we lived closer. Love your pictures.

Sue said...

Amelia says, "Funny Baby! He's flying by hisself!"

Chris is so cool. But I'll keep that to myself.