August 11, 2010

Cookies & Milk . . .


Things are changing around here and I have to confess, I’m feeling a bit of a struggle coming on.

My little Ollie has abandoned crawling as his primary form of transportation and is now master of the walk, quickly turning to the walk/run.

RedDog commented yesterday, “Wow, Mom, did you see that?  He just turned on the spot and went the other direction without even thinking about falling down.”  Boo. Hoo.

Why do babies have to grow up?

But growing up is cute.  He carries the phone around up to his ear and babbles all the while believing he is carrying on an actual conversation.

He dances to the music in the car, in his crib, or on my lap at church.

And my all time favorite new thing is to peek out of the corner of my closed eyes during prayers and see my little Owl with his arms folded waiting patiently for the prayer to end so he can clap his hands in “Amen!”

Unfortunately, with each new skill added to his repertoire, I realize that my same little Owl is more and more done with me.  He has not nursed for three days now and my heart aches a bit to know that the ties between mother and nursing babe have been cut and just like that my body will never create food for another human again.

Why, oh why is it so hard to face facts?  I know he still loves me.  But he also loves cookies.  And milk.  Of the bovine variety.




AllisonK said...

They do grow up quickly! He is darling and cookies are the best.

christy said...

I'm in the same boat and also about to send my little princess Mia to kindergarten. I'm heartbroken about it all. And my Claire won't touch cow's milk. I don't know what to do about it.

Elise said...

Oh-so sad. :( I love nursing my babies too, I usally drag it out as long as possible, I hate when it ends.

The Queen Vee said...

There is no stopping time and we wouldn't want to, but it's okay to grieve the losses that come with the passing of time.

Ollie you are one cute toddler, yes toddler. I saw him trying to run yesterday too and wanted to say, "Slow down baby boy, you're growing up to fast!"

Lori Gerten said...

I'm right there with you Sam. Nothing is more difficult and rewarding than watching your little ones grow up.

I'm happy that Auddie Girl is not talking yet because she's sort of still like a baby.

At night I will go and get her out of her crib when she is sleeping and hold and rock her because she is too on the move when she is awake for mama to cuddle with her.

Owlie will always be the baby of the family though. Maybe that's a little solace for you.

Emily said...

This is always an extremely hard transition for me too. Good Luck!

Kasey said...

What a handsome. A boy after my own heart. Cookies and milk! Yum.

Sue said...

Ollie may be done nursing, but not to worry. Boys never really outgrow their love of boobies.

Does that make you feel any better? :)

The Queen Vee said...

Sue, you are so funny and honest!

Apis Melliflora said...

It is bittersweet to stop nursing for the last time...not just sweet like those pics of Owlie eating cookies.

Sue needs to write stand up comedy for a living.