August 24, 2010

Reliving My Past Future . . .


Last night my children saw the movie “Back To The Future” for the first time.   I predicted they would love it, and they did.  I can’t begin to tell you how much I loved that movie as a twelve year old. I can still remember walking out of the theater saying awesome over and over.  I was pretty sure Michael J. Fox was the cutest actor alive complete with puffy vest over jean jacket look!

What I didn’t remember about the movie was all the swearing.  And believe me, my kids noticed – and kept tally!  The D-word, the H-word, two different B-words, the A-word and even butthead, which is a seriously bad word at our house.

So my question today is this:  Why is this language a big deal to me today?  It obviously wasn’t a big deal to me or my parents when I saw the movie twenty-five years ago {man, I’m old!}.

Have you watched an old favorite with your kids and been embarrassed by the language?  Just curious.


lee kriel said...

yes, of my all time favorites. but cringed the whole way through watching it with my kids.

Lori said...

Yes...Ferris Buelers Day Off!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

We had to turn it off about 5 minutes in to the movie.

I still don't get why we forget how bad the language was in older movies we saw as kids.

Jami Garrett said...

Yes, just yesterday,how timely your post is! Christmas Story. A classic I love, and my kids did the same thing with the tally and said "this should be rated R"

Suzanne C said...

*ahem* Anyone watched Grease lately? And yes to all of the above. We tried to watch Goonies this past weekend because my 6 year old noticed the "Steven Spielberg guy" did it (Animaniacs fan), but didn't make it too far into it before we too pulled the plug. Have you ever noticed when you aren't around something, you become more sensitive to it?

Emily said...

A resounding yes! I'm always shocked at what I think I must have missed in movies from when I was younger. Why do they have to put that garbage in them?

Sue said...

I didn't watch it with my kids thankfully, but awhile ago I watched 16 Candles and Holy Cow! Potty mouth city!

Apis Melliflora said...


So does this mean we're over-protective or overly sensitive?

Kasey said...

Yes, if we're watching a show and a bad word is said and I know it's coming, I'll scream or make a real loud noise! Same with music!
Have you heard of clear play? It has settings that filter what you want out of the movies, scenes, language, nudity, etc. The only bad thing, when we had this about 5 yr ago, it would break down a lot. Not sure if they have improved their technology since then.

The Queen Vee said...

The answer for all of you is a Clearplay dvd player.

TracieCarter said...

Since mine are so little, I've surprised myself at even the G movies and TV cartoons I withhold because of overall tones even. The old stuff is surprising and I remember my mom always had perfect timing walking in on worst parts! Faves - Goonies and Steel Magnolias!

Anonymous said...

Now I'm dying to watch Back to the Future. But I'll be sure to watch it after the kids go to bed.

I agree about the movie ET. Potty mouth language that I never remembered.

TracyS. said...

I think attendance in public school and being impersed in foul langauge had something to do with it.
Some channels did a better job a cleaning movies up than others too.

Susan said...

I think that the 80s "pg" movies got away with more because there was not the pg13 rating yet. Most of the movies mentioned here would definately be pg 13, which in my opinion is way to broad in what is allowed in a movie for kiddos 13 to 18. I will usually watch an 80s movie first before I let my 15 year old watch it. I learned that lesson after buying 16 candles and telling her how great it was. You should see the look I got when the language started. I promptly turned it off and I am pretty sure I got a speech from the 15 year old. ;)

MelancholySmile said...

It's funny that you mention Back to the Future, because when I watched it as a 7 year old, that's where I learned all my first swear words. My mother was appalled. :)

My kids have been seriously deprived-- not allowed to watch anything but rated G movies unless we use the ClearPlay DVD player.