August 25, 2010

Another Summer Art Project . . .

The goal was to do one every week this summer.  I think we’ve done four.  I’ll have to reevaluate for next summer, especially since Big C seems to think he’s way too cool for art.  Sad day.


You’d better believe it was pretty awesome when I went to the Home Depot and took one {or even two} of EVERY SINGLE Martha Stewart paint sample.  The gal at the paint counter may or may not  have coughed loudly at me. But it was all for the sake of art, so I have no guilt.

The idea for this art project came from a Sherwin Williams ad I saw in a magazine that used paint chips to create three dimensional objects.  Ah-mazing!

print ad

My kids and I love art, but even I recognize our limits.  So the project was simply to create a two dimensional piece using paint chips.  Here’s mine before I pasted it all together:


Here’s the skinny on this project:  I thought it was really fun.  So did Hannie B., but she is very crafty.  RedDog was done after two minutes.  In hindsight I should have cut out shapes for him to use or given him a specific object to create.  And Big C. didn’t want to touch this with a ten foot pole.

The rest of the paint chips went into our scrap paper bin for future use.


Sue said...

Me likey!

The Queen Vee said...

Soon Big C will be too big and cool to even give me a hug and a kiss. It sure is good that I will still be giving them to him. I confess though, that I can see why this art project would not appeal to him especially when he could be reading Mockingjay instead.

Where's Miss Hannie B's project?

Lee Kriel said...

One year I did the same thing and took my fare share of paint samples of red and pinks...i turned them into Valentine's Day coupons for the boys and attached a pretty (sorry, handsome) gross grain ribbon. They still have them and try to redeem them all the time (stay up late, breakfast in bed, homework pass, etc).

You go and take as many as you need and spread the love! Martha won't mind. ;)