August 30, 2010

An Omen?


Here’s a little Monday morning quiz intended to exercise those dormant brain muscles in order to make you a more fit parent just in time to send the winkies back to school:

Question: What does it mean when you wake up and find an over six foot tree branch sawed off and sitting on your front porch?

Possible Answers:

a.  Your neighbors take you for a severe environmentalist and think they can offend you by hurting a tree.

b.  Somebody knows your daughter just auditioned for The Wizard of Oz and thought an extra tree might come in handy for the haunted forest scenery.

c. The word is out that your Scouting son is trying to get his woodworking merit badge.

d. A {beaver, squirrel, badger, woodpecker, possum – you pick} is playing mind games with you after years of harassment.

e.  Teenagers are annoying and pull stupid pranks in the middle of the night all the time.


Let me know what you think, because truly, I am in the dark on this one.  Should I be creeped out?


Sue said...

I'm going with E. And be grateful, it's WAY better than getting TP'd!

Aiketa said...
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Aiketa said...

It is really weird for me. Maybe it's C? But I'm not sure what could be...
Let us know what it was when you find out.
BTW how was Hannie B's audiction?

squeezeme said...

Very perplexing. That is just bizarre!

Tobi said...

I'm going with teenagers are annoying and don't sleep at night. Although why a tree? Maybe they thought you needed a new project. Decorate a large branch type of project. Who is knowing the workings of a crazy teenagers mind?!

Verification word is: hellabb
That about sums up how I feel about that large branch you found on your porch!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

That one is truly bizarre. Could someone think they were returning it to you?

AllisonK said...


The Queen Vee said...

Hmmmmm, mystifying but you could use it as the start of a new YA trilogy.

Sue said...

I think you need to put it in a pretty pot, decorate it and leave it on the front porch and see what happens...

Susan said...

Very Weird and have no clue. I would go with a teenager thinking they were being funny.

Apis Melliflora said...

Walk tall and use a big stick. That's what I say.