August 27, 2010

Dramatic Decision . . .


Photo by Sue Richardson (yep, there are still oodles of outtakes!)

Currently it is 8:15 and the house is quiet except for me and Mr. Ollie.  Those other three kid-types are in for a world of hurt in a week when they have to start getting up at 6:45 AM!  Our attempts at weaning them off their summer schedules are proving unsuccessful. 

But sweet, theatrical Hannie B. has her last crash course in singing for the stage this morning, so wake up she must.  We have been belting out the first sixteen measures of “Part Of That World” from The Little Mermaid for the past three days to the point that little Ollie claps when we are finished.  {Don’t know if that means we sound good or he’s just glad we’re done.}

She’s perfecting her facial expressions, her body movements and most importantly her volume.  Tomorrow at 3:00 she auditions and I can stop thinking about Ariel and hopefully starting thinking about ruby slippers.  Don’t worry, Hannie has no grand aspirations to land a major role.  She’s actually just hoping for Munchkin or Flying Monkey.  But still, it was the 71st anniversary of the Wizard of Oz this week, and I do love that movie so, so much even though the Wicked Witch of the West scared the dickens out of me as a kid . . .

So, the question of the day is:  Which character from Oz would you like to play? 

Me, I’m all for Glinda.  That dress is a show stopper.  And really, what gal doesn’t want to appear in a pink bubble?


The Queen Vee said...

Scarecrow, if I only had a brain.

Scarecrow: I haven't got a brain... only straw.
Dorothy: How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.

The Dragonfly said...

Hannie B's Answer:

Glinda! Because she's pretty and has the cool dress.

Susan said...

I have to go with glinda as well. The dress is killer and she gives dorothy those great shoes :)

christy said...

That's a tough one. I just want the ruby slippers. Hope her audition goes well.

Kernal Ken said...

I would be the real wizard, the man behind the curtain.

Pretty much spent my whole military career making the all knowing and all powerful guys above me just that.

Remember, even though people think the guy behind the curtain was a phony, it was the other way round.

Apis Melliflora said...

I'm so excited for her. Break a leg at auditions Hannie B!

The Tin Man (that's who your Uncle was when he was cast in the school show)!