August 31, 2010

The Niagara of the South . . .


This past weekend the Hubby and I packed up our crew and headed to Great Falls National Park. Known as “The Niagara of the South”, the park’s crowning feature is a series of overlooks that showcase a point in the Potomac River where the water has built up great speed and falls over a series of steep, jagged rocks through a striking and narrow gorge.  It was quite breathtaking and had us all marveling at the wonders of nature.


I am embarrassed to admit that we have lived in Virginia for seven and a half years and just visited this amazing place for the first time.  It offers multiple trails for hiking, large grassy areas with picnic tables and grills for barbeques and Frisbee with family and friends, a very nice visitors center with interactive exhibits and that gorgeous view.IMG_7361

And it’s only 30 minutes from our house.  Shame. I know.

How about you?  What’s in your area worth visiting over and over?  Would you send me a picture? It would make my little kayaker and I oh so happy!


ps.  Hannah has her first acting gig!

pps. No gifts left on the doorstep this morning.  Whew!


Apis Melliflora said...

Can we go there next time we come? That looks amazing! Kayaker, you make me smile!

LJB said...

Alpine Loop! Each time you go its a different experience! Whether you just drive the loop and admire the beauty or stop for a picnic, go find a campground......

Anne said...

I lived in the DC area for 7 years and spent so many weekends with a blanket and a book at the Netherlands Carrillon which is sandwiched between the Iwo Jima memorial and Arlington Cemetary, with a perfect view of the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument and the Capitol. It was my absolute favorite place.

Tobi said...

That little Kayaker is precious. I couldn't resist his entreaty to send him and his darling Mama a picture of my favorite place.

Burton's blog said...

So much to do, so little time! We have lived two hours from Yellowstone National Park for over ten years and haven't taken our kids yet. Shame on me. Thanks for the nudge!

Kasey said...

Beautiful pictures!

Linda said...

We have lived in this very home for going on 24 years and never have been to Great Falls National Park! This embarrasing confession well may be what it takes to do something about that. Congrats, Hannah. Want to hear all about your part.

AllisonK said...

It's beautiful! What a lovely place to have so close to home.