September 1, 2010

Random Musings: September Edition . . .


  • I’m not sure I can write a post today because my brain is fixated on the word September in the above title.  How. On. Earth?
  • The above photo of The Garden of the Gods was sent to me by a reader in response to yesterday’s inquiry of delightful places to see in your areas.  Thanks, Tobi!  I believe the Hubby and I might need to visit this in October when we come to Colorado {and Rudy’s, of course}.
  • Speaking of, did you know that the Hubby and I are taking a solo trip in October to Colorado to visit my younger brother and his family.  Solo.  As in no kiddoes. For five whole days.  I’ve made a little paper chain to count down to our departure.
  • Did you know that the Hubby caught a fly with his bare hands last night while we were praying?  He is such an awesome multitasker!  And now I will call him Mr. Miyagi.
  • Tonight our world will be changed forever as Hannie B. enters the realm of dramatic productions and attends her first read through.  Wish our Munchkin luck!
  • I have finally accepted my failures and begun reposting on my photo blog.  For the longest time I was disappointed in my lack of about 60 days worth of pictures.  But I’ve finally realized I can’t get them back and I will start from now and try to do better.  Forgive me?  You’re great. {if your answer was “What photoblog?”, click here.}
  • My best friend from college is bringing her two daughters for a visit in three and a half weeks.  I’ve only got twenty things I would like to accomplish before then.
  • Scratch that.  It’s more like thirty-three things.
  • Homemade macaroni and cheese is so delicious it haunts me in my dreams.
  • I just finished another amazing series of books.  Coming up tomorrow, a little list for you of the books that have kept me completely enthralled this summer and have helped me conquer my little TV addiction – until Chuck & The Office start up again.
  • Gonna end on a truly joyful note today.  Woke up this morning, fed my Owlie boy and logged on my computer to find this: if ever there is a story of resilience, finding joy amid struggle and sorrow, and living a life to the fullest, it is here.  I am continually inspired and amazed. Perspective restored on a daily basis.  Thanks S.
  • Happy Wednesday!  I’m off to the pool for one last swim with the winkies before school starts.


The Queen Vee said...
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The Queen Vee said...

I looked at NieNie's post early this morning, a beautiful way to start the day. She is the poster child for how to deal with and overcome adversity.

Would that be the Grimmer girls?

With so little accomplished this summer I can't believe it's September already....time, please go slower to match my pace.

Did you finish the Bartimaeus Trilogy and didn't call me?

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited that you are coming to Colorado! I can't wait to meet up with you at Rudy's and Garden of the Gods. FUN!!

Apis Melliflora said...

There's just so much to comment on here. I like the fly-catching and friend visiting best of all. Friends are coming? Oh, another artificial deadline to beat!

AllisonK said...

Solo time, how heavenly! Stephanie is beautiful. I can't wait to hear your book recommendations. I'm always looking for a new book to read.