August 20, 2010

Mr. Spaghetti Head . . .


We’re just barreling along here at breakneck speed.

My oldest is getting braces.  Ouch! Just thinking about it makes my mouth hurt.  And yay!  Girls won’t want to touch him for a few years because he’ll constantly have food stuck in his teeth.

My daughter is emotional.  And dramatic.  And hilarious.  I can tell I am totally going to love her tween/teen personality.  When I’m not completely bugged by it.

My RedDog is changing.  His teeth look too big for his mouth.  And he is starting to whine, which is new for him.  It makes me sad.  Then he tells me he doesn’t want to grow any bigger because we won’t fit good for snuggling and I feel like for a moment all is right with the world.

My baby is a hoot.  He loves owls. Perfect, right?  He also loves laughing when other people are laughing, just to hear the sound of himself.  And he thinks he’s the king because I let him have his own little bowl of spaghetti with a spoon the other night.  What he doesn’t know is that I was wishing he’d turn himself into Mr. Spaghetti head.  Wish granted.

Cue laughing {and baby laughing}. Cue crying because it’s all going way, way too fast.


The Queen Vee said...

Hilarious and weird. He doesn't look like Papa Ken in real life but he looks just like him in this picture, maybe it's the spaghetti on his it's his expression.

There's no stopping time, it does go very quickly so cherish each moment even the difficult ones.

Tobi said...

I love Mr. Spaghetti head. I also love your excitement for Big C to get braces. Have you share the reason for your excitement with Big C? =)

Apis Melliflora said...

Summers seem to speed things up! I love a spaghetti-faced baby. One thing hasn't changed: he's still so cute.

Burton's blog said...

Sorry Sam, but in my experience braces are a total chick magnet. Or dude magnet. Congrats Chris, go get'em!
By the way, I feel your pain in the drama dept. Estrogen is thick as mud around here.

Kasey said...

Sounds like a fun house! Many changes, but all good!

The Queen Vee said...

This kiddo is so cute I could lick the spaghetti off of his forehead.