August 19, 2010

Drama Mama . . .


All photos by Sue Richardson

I couldn’t go to sleep last night because Hannie B. was having one of her drama moments.  She was whimpering in her bed and kept coming to our bedroom door complaining that she couldn’t get to sleep.

I comforted her and then I snuggled her.  The Hubby comforted her and then he snuggled her. And still, the drama ensued.


Finally I had to give my girl a little sip of the Benadryl.  Because I needed sleep.  Yeah, as a mom, I pretty much rock like that. I retucked her and climbed into my own bed for what I was sure would be the last time.  Then I heard the sobbing.


I rushed to her room, worried she might actually be sick.  A once over and a few questions determined that no, she was not sick.  Finally, I asked THE question: “Sis, can you just tell me what’s wrong?”

Through tears and sobs and snot and shaking she let me in on the secret, “It’s this room*, Mom. I don’t like it - it’s just SO big!

*Sidenote:  We just moved Ollie into Hannie’s old room, giving her the biggest of the three kid rooms upstairs.

Now, I have to admit, I laughed.  And then I wondered to myself if this display of acting chops coincided with me asking my girl if she wanted to try out for a community theater run of The Wizard of Oz next week. In my mind, I handed her the Academy Award.  In reality, I tromped down the hall in a semi-conscious state and crawled into my bed next to a snoring Hubby.

My girl, she is drama!  And for the life of me, people, I cannot figure out where she gets it from!



Apis Melliflora said...

Can totally relate to this post. We have a budding thespian in our family too. Here's hoping Hannie B grows a little today so that the room is just the right size!

The Queen Vee said...

Dramedy is what makes life interesting, and you, me and Hannie B about those drugs.

Sue said...

See, as a photographer, if you edit all the outtakes, you really miss the true personalities shining through!

Lily has been begging for her own bedroom for about 2 years (not gonna happen in the 800sqft house!) but I'm sure when she actually gets it in a few years, she'll boob just like Hannah cuz' she'll be lonely. Girls...

squeezeme said...

Sign that girl up for Wizard of's her destiny!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Ahh Hannah and Emma. They could be a two-woman show on Broadway...

playing Tony winning performances to themselves!

Lately I've had to tell Emma that looking at herself in the mirror 100x a day practicing her emotions is not normal.

So fun.

christy said...

We've got a couple of DQs (drama queens) in our house and it's so much fun. Ha!! Somedays I think I'll lose my mind.

Emily said...

Oh my! I go crazy when A or C have one of these drama moments. I have the hardest time being understanding. I bet there are a few little girls that would like to have her room problem. Love, Love, Love the pictures!

Anonymous said...

Today Cora had a meltdown at the school library because they don't have any Hello Kitty books. DIRE STRAIGHTS INDEED!

However I know exactly where she gets her drama mama attitude from. ME. Because the mother's curse works and my mom assures me I was the exact same way when I was her age. (DOH!)

Susan said...

You might want to hunker down for the next couple of years. Once those first spurts of hormones start releasing life will get very dramatic. ;)

TracieCarter said...

I LOVE that pic of you guys walking because of who's where, yours and Hannah's faces! I'm so glad you shared so many outtakes for personality/fam dynamic illustration!!!