June 29, 2010

Some Goings On Starting With “P” . . .

Our first of two family reunions this summer is over.  It was AWESOME! And now my kids are exhausted, which translates into grumpy. I, on the other hand, have completely passed grumpy and am somewhere near catatonic, which doesn’t bode well for me considering I’m supposed to be at a midnight movie tonight.

Nevertheless, we forge on.  Here are a few shots from the first day of the reunion.

Play time at the park.IMG_6404

Hanging with Pals.


Pizza at Grandma and Grandpa’s house.


My  mom’s homemade bread + soft butter = Perfection.


Patriotic manicures.


Patience while taking family pictures.


All the Pretty women in my family (with cookies, yum).


I’m going to have to bribe my photobro to send me some of his pictures from Pirate Day.  It was something else!  We’re adhere to the theory: when going with a theme, one should always, always OVER DO IT.

Stay tuned.


The Queen Vee said...


Reunion cold coming on, I can feel it. I guess it's the price you pay for no sleep, TONS of fun and too much sugar......memories were made and that's the truth.

Kasey said...

Was this the reunion you designed tee shirts for? That bread looks heavenly!

The Dragonfly said...

Tshirts were designed for the other reunion we're going to in two and a half weeks.

Lori said...

Sounds like you had tons of FUN! Cute picture of all the girls! Hope you stay awake tonight for EDWARD and JACOB! A bunch of ladies in our ward are doing the same thing :-)

Apis Melliflora said...

My P word for the day: pooped. But in the very best sort of way. So glad to see all those happy faces.

Tobi said...

Please post a plentiful portion of Pirate pictures.

Love this post!