July 1, 2010

Summer Arts & Crafts

Please forgive my blogging at sporadic intervals.  Family reunion recovery as well as an exciting house guest are keeping me from the computer in the happiest of ways.

I wanted to quickly share one of the activities we’ve slated for the summer. On Mondays I’m attempting to do an arts and crafts project with the kids. It can be a challenge to find something that will engage the three different age ranges I’ve got, but I spent a night pouring over ideas at The Crafty Crow {what, you’ve never been there? Stop reading me and go there RIGHT NOW!} and I’ve come up with a fun list of projects for the summer.  Many of the ideas only require what I have on hand at my house.

Here are our first two projects:

Aluminum Foil Action Figures


We’ve had a great time posing these guys in various states and placing them on a shelf in our kitchen.  They took three minutes to make. From tweenager to seven year old, it was a hit.

Paint By Numbers


Although this idea wasn’t from the Crafty Crow, it was only $1.00 from Michaels Craft, kept my kids occupied for three hours, and gave them a great sense of accomplishment upon finishing and viewing their masterpieces. This project was great for Hannie B. and RedDog.  Big C got bored after a half hour and quit.


We’ll be posting more of our arts and crafts projects throughout the summer.  Hope you’re having a great day.


Apis Melliflora said...

Me likely all the craftiness. Hannie B told me summer craft day was her favorite and I can see why! The Crafty Crow looks winsome.

Apis Melliflora said...

Me dislikey spelling mistakes.

Kasey said...

Great ideas. I"m trying to think of ways to keep our kids busy. They seem to be doing a lot of fighting lately.

The Queen Vee said...

Chris is just getting too old and too cool for summer crafty projects.