June 25, 2010

Feelin’ Blue . . .

Having cousins in town to play with is awesome.  We’re lucky to have two who live near us year round.  When our Colorado and Ohio cousins come to visit in the summer we get to do lots of fun stuff together.

On Wednesday we got up bright and early to beat the heat and the bugs and headed to a somewhat undiscovered family favorite called ‘Bob’s Produce’.  I’ve blogged about it before – it is a trip back in time to a two row, sixty foot long blueberry patch run by an almost ninety year-old farmer named Bob. 

Its charm can’t be beat. You leave your money in a little box on a bench with a sign that says ‘Honor System’ on it and then drive your car into Bob’s back yard to pick fruit.  And the prices are awesome – a quart of blueberries for $2.50!

Enjoy a few photos from our time at Bob’s, where “U Pick ‘Em” makes kids happy!

He’s weird, but he’s my kid and I love him.IMG_6368

Blueberries 101 – don’t pick the green or purple ones! You want the blue ones with the chalky film on them (we always have a reminder lesson at the beginning of picking).


I love it when a girl named LouLou coordinates her outfit to match the fruit of the day!


Beautiful cousins, delicious berries, garish fingernails {who is that child’s mother}.


Jonah loved celebrating the Red, White and Blueberry!


This last picture of my niece Tessa is undeniably one of the cutest things in existence on the planet Earth. Ever. I heart her very much. Even if she does think Oliver is scary.IMG_6377

And now we’re off to decide – blueberry muffins? pancakes? buckle?  Any suggestions as to what we should make with our pickings?


christy said...

So glad this post was about blueberries and not sadness. Hooray for you to have cousins in town. Lucky!! I vote for blueberry pancakes or muffins with streusel topping. YUM!!

Apis Melliflora said...

Those blueberries look so delicious and the cousins are all fresh-faced, pink-cheeked adorable! Whatever you make will be yummy, I'm sure!

Kasey said...

Yum! Adorable pictures. My kids like to pick blueberries too!

Audrey Carlson said...

Forget the blueberries, I want to eat that Tessa up right now! She's as sweet as sugar!

chelsea said...

All of those kiddos are super cute!!

Tobi said...

Whatever delicious treat you bake up just make it blue! Ha!

Beautiful photos Sam! You and Edward are really rubbing along quite nicely.

Unknown said...

I definitely think you should match your outfit to the fruit of the day. Looks fun and delish!