May 13, 2009

Of Funerals and Fish . . .

A few years ago the Hubby and I were faced with the question "What to do about the childhood need to love and rear a pet, learning compassion and responsibility while building a nurturing relationship with God's animal creations?"

Since multiple family members have pet allergies, dogs, cats and pretty much anything else with fur was out of the question. We considered a turtle or lizard for about two seconds, and then settled on a beta fish for each child. I know, I know - it's not a true pet experience, but it's what we can do. (We also have dogs vicariously through our dog owning friends and neighbors.) So for one year now we have successfully cared for the fish - a very rewarding experience for the kids and their parents who do most of the work.

Unfortunately, this weekend we had our first pet casualty. When I went to feed RedDog's fish (aptly named Red) on Friday night, I found him floating at the top of the tank. Lucky for me RedDog was happily playing with his cousin downstairs. Unlucky for me, the Hubby was out of town for his 100 mile bike race, so I was left to handle the remains, funeral and breaking the news to the child by myself.

I told him while we were snuggling in bed that night. He was very sad and concerned that he had somehow caused Red's demise. I assured him that the fish had probably just gotten sick and couldn't fight it.
We decided to bury Red instead of flushing him. Hannie B helped RedDog create a little rock headstone and the next day we held a little funeral for our fish in our back yard. RedDog was the sole speaker. He had few, but sweet tributary words in parting - "Red, you were my fish. You made me happy sometimes. That's all." In a sweet big sister moment, Hannie B decorated the grave with some flowers from our yard.

Then we headed to Petsmart and bought RedDog a new red fish, which he quickly named Red Too. That night when we knelt to say prayers together, he asked Heavenly Father to "please take care of my fish Red".

From this experience I learned that having pets has indeed been successful for us - if that fish made my boy "happy sometimes" and he acknowledged God's part in it all, then it's definitely worth it!

RedDog's new fish "Red Too"

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Kasey said...

How sweet. Love the new fish. Very Red!!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Have I ever told you about the time we got a fish tank, talked to the fish people about the right kind of fish for said tank and then our fish started cannibalizing each other right in front of our kids?

It was really fun telling the kids about murder, capital punishment and death... :-)

We've decided to hold on any further pet expeditions for now.

Apis Melliflora said...

Fitting words Red Dog.
Long live Red II.
Good job Dragonfly Mommy.
Edward, you do all Beta fish proud.

Tobi said...

That was very kind of you to throw a funeral for Red. I would've flushed him.

Love the pic of RED TOO!

The Queen Vee said...

Red Dog, you took very good care of Red. Sometimes people and fish just get sick and die even when they're young. I'm glad you had a memorial for Red and also that you have a new fish, Red Too. He/she is a beauty!

Emily said...

We have had several fish casualties at our home as well. Lucky we have managed to keep the two we have now alive for awhile. Hope Red stays healthy too.

Burton's blog said...

I love that your son has such compassion for his fish. We tried a fish tank once, but Nate(3yrs. at the time) and his cousin filled the tank with everything in his toy box. Apparently, when ABC Elmo and Buzz Lightyear soak up all the water, there isn't any water for the little fishies. Elmo never sang again:( I wish Nate would have cared a little more!