May 12, 2009

A Very Special Birthday!

Image courtesy Google Images
Today my little-blog-about-nothing is two whole years old! And it just so happens to be that the past two years have been the most life changing for me as a person. As events have unfolded in my life, I've been so grateful for my little blog and the ability it has given me to express myself, share little bits and pieces of my life in the written word with others and reflect on all the blessings, trials and daily offerings God has to give me.

Happy Birthday Blog . . . and many more!

My Blog By The Numbers:
Number of posts: 424
Number of hits: 32,684
Number of comments on average: 10 (we can do better!)
Number of comments my mom has made: 418
Number of times I've forgotten to take a family picture: About 10
Number of giveaways: 2 (I need to do this more . . .)
Number of dragonfly items I now own: 17
Number of complete strangers I've grown to know and love: 32

Thank you to all of you who read my blog! I "heart" you very much.


Tobi said...

I love your blog and I'm so glad you started writing. It's been so fun to get to know more about you. Love the birthday picture. Did you take that picture with Edward?

Apis Melliflora said...

If your blog is about nothing, then it's been one of the most riveting, pleasurable, heart warming nothings I've ever read.

Happy Birthday Compound Eye!
Keep writing Dragonfly!

The Queen Vee said...

Don't want to break my commenting record, Happy Birthday Dragonfly.

It's a pleasure to read you daily posts as they are always insightful, charming, well written and meaningful.

You have a gift, thanks for sharing it with all of us.

The Queen Vee said...

As you can see I've included my signature in the above comment.

Anonymous said...

I love you and your blog, but you a whole lot more.

Lori said...

Happy Birthday to the DRAGON...FLY I mean! To me it's pure inspiration...Keep on writing my sweet cousin!

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

It has been a pleasure getting to know you again through your blog, given that we have not seen each other since Heidelberg High School! Thansk for sharing!!!

chelsea said...

Keep it up! I love reading your daily, inspiring "nothings"

Wild Wilma said...

My Dearest Dragonfly,
I am one of those "lurkers" you spoke of months ago!!! I met your Mom at Bethesda last year, I am now blessed to be able to call her my friend. Around the same time I started to read your blog, and I LOVE IT!!! It is part of my daily routine, I even get disappointed if you don't post! Love Ekster, love the peanut butter balls, and the list goes on!
Happy Birthday!
You Go Girl!!!

Kernal Ken said...

Your blog was the inspiration for my blog. In fact, if my chemo brain is still working, you set up my blog.

Thanks for your wonderful writing, and your wonderful example.

Keep flying, Dragon. Keep your eyes open and compound.

I hope you know how much I love you.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Happy bloggy bday.

You inspired me to start mine and indeed your blog is wonderful. (Kind of like you.)

Love you.