April 26, 2009

Variations On A Theme . . .

Family shot minus the Hubby who's acting as Bishop today while ours is out of town.

Are you one of those moms like me who every once in a while gets a little carried away and dresses the whole family in a theme on Sunday? I want you to fess up in the comments! I try not to do it every Sunday, but sometimes I just can't help myself. When my sis-in-law Audrey dropped by with some fantastic hand-me-downs for RedDog, I knew immediately what we'd be wearing this Sunday. Any guesses on the theme? If not, this hint should help:

(Shoes: SuperTarget. Dress (a non-maternity steal): Gap Outlet.)
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Apis Melliflora said...

My theme guess is blue skies and green grass...or everything on us is under $50.

How can you still be wearing high heals?! You're amazing!

I only get to dress one of my three these days, but on special holidays we all match.

Tobi said...

The only time my little family matches is for pictures. My guess is spring is the theme. Mainly because it's catchy and it rhymes.

christy said...

I also love to coordinate when possible. I don't know the theme but you all look super cute. I am loving those shoes, especially the painted toenails. If we only lived closer, a toenail painting swap would be fabulous!

The Queen Vee said...

Blue and green, it is spring, that's your theme. Everyone looks gorgeous and handsome, especially Travis.