April 24, 2009

Two Lips . . .

RedDog to me today as we sat out in the eighty degree (finally) weather waiting for the bus:

"Momma, why are they called two lips? I don't think they look at all like a mouth."

My answer was lame. "They just are, buddy. I don't know why."

His return: "Well I like the two lips we have better because they can do this (proceeds to plant a smooch on me)."

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Tobi said...

Two lips, I love it! Red Dog you melt my heart.

Beautiful picture of your Two Lips!

The Queen Vee said...

Out of the mouths of babes....Red Dog you're my kind of babe.

Apis Melliflora said...

That's the best. Red dog, you know just what to say to make your mama's heart sing.

west wind said...

Those comments are really precious. Sounds like the beginning of a good haiku!

christy said...

What a cute, sweet boy. I love the tulips, too.

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...


west wind said...

OK,I thought of a haiku...

Title: Spring Awakening

Tulips are tender flowers caressed by the sun, or, two lips kissing.

I love haiku verse. Simple. Doesn't take an analyst or english major to get the meaning.