April 23, 2009

I'd Wolf That Down . . .

I could learn to like werewolves. Being a Jacob fan never looked so good. I'm just sayin'.

(Don't know what I'm talking about? Go here:http://popwatch.ew.com/popwatch/2009/04/twilight-new-mo.html)

Oh, and here's a tasty family recipe I actually did "wolf" down with the Hubby last week. It'll drive you crazy when you eat it- but maybe not as much as the picture of those four wolf boys. Enjoy both.

Sticky Chicken Wings
(affectionately known as "Chings" in the Carlson family.)

1 cup packed brown sugar plus one heaping Tbsp cornstarch
3/4 cup pineapple juice
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 tsp dry mustard
20 chicken wings, thawed

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Remove wing tips (part with no meat) with a sharp knife. Place wings in shallow baking dish. Mix remaining ingredients in a microwave proof bowl and heat in microwave for five minutes until thickened. Pour sauce over chicken wings. Bake for 2 1/2 hours, turning wings EVERY HALF HOUR and basting with sauce. Serve with warm washcloths at the table - they don't have the name "sticky chicken wings" for no reason!


Emily said...

Hot, hot, and HOT!

Suzanne C said...

I think they are going to give Team Edward a run for their money! I'm having a hard time with Taylor Lautner as Jacob though. Hopefully, he'll fit more in New Moon. Just can't get past him as Shark Boy! (Shark Boy and Lava Girl). The wings look wonderful!

The Queen Vee said...

I just cannot see Taylor Lautner GROWING into the Jacob role but the backup werewolve pack look mighty good. I think they'll be a howling success.

Chings are the best!

Tobi said...

I just that picture of those hot wolfs this morning and had the same thought...delicious!!

Chings look amazing. I can't wait to try this recipe out.

Apis Melliflora said...


P.S. You get bonus points for making your family a recipe that requires 2.5 hours in the hot oven!

NovelTeaMommy said...

I just watched Twilight for the first time last night. Glad I've read the books, but looking forward to New Moon now too ;~)

Delicious, (ahem) pick whichever part of the post you'd like to apply that to!

squeezeme said...

Yum ( mean the sticky wings)! Sam, do you remember the first time you made those yummy sticky wings for me and Matt?! Good times.

Sue said...

I always was torn between Jacob and Edward until the last book. I sure hope Taylor Lautner's been working out and will look as tasty as his cohorts. I do love me some good eye candy!