April 27, 2009

Rag Time . . .

Not one to torture my kids (at least not while they're sleeping), I couldn't think of letting Hannie B. sleep on the hard plastic of classic pink sponge rollers when she requested curly hair this weekend. Instead, I found these great sponge rag rollers at Target - dang, I love that store - to get the job done. When she was all rolled up we snapped this picture and I reminded her that this is how girls got curly hair back in pioneer times.


And lucky for me, it was still curly this morning on day two, plus I think it will have a really great wave for day three tomorrow. After that I won't be able to stand the smell of her hair another minute and will quickly throw her in a shower to "wash that curl right outta her hair."

Curls + freckles + Hannie B = super cute!
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Tobi said...

Family pictures are coming up in June and I've been racking my limited hair do brains for something truly great. Thanks to you I now know what I need to buy. RAG ROLLERS FROM TARGET! Thank you Samantha! You are quite the hairdo, blogging, crafty, sassy dressing, beautiful picture taking GENIUS!

christy said...

Super-dee-duper cute. I will just have to invest in some of these. Addy and Halle have decided they want to let their hair grow for awhile and these would be super fun.

The Queen Vee said...

Pioneer times, even later than that. I have a picture of Syliva and I in our nighties with our hair done up in real no kidding rags. I think the pic was taken in the very late 50's, way past ye ole pioneer times.

Isn't it great that Hannie B has so many hair options unlike her Mema. She's a beauty straight or curly.

west wind said...

My three sisters in law used to use orange juice cans (from concentrate) when they were in high school. No kidding.

Apis Melliflora said...

Hannie B your curls add to your super cuteness for sure! I want to try those rollers out! They look like fun, but I might have too much hair.

Lori Gerten said...

Muy super cute!! What a sweet girl!

LJB said...

Wow, I'm impressed that your daughter requested curls, I have to beg, scream, kick, and finally bribe my daughter to curl her hair and I even have the rag rollers too! Sigh.....