April 28, 2009

Third Time's A Charm . . .

One of my very first blog posts was a retell of an adventure I'd had massacring baby birds in front of my children's innocent eyes. It was not one of my finer moments. Then last year I chronicled our journey as a finch family built their home in the wreath on our front door, ended up hatching three of the ugliest children I'd ever seen and flew away without so much as a simple goodbye, all whilst leaving me with a pile of bird poop that required hours of elbow grease, scrubbing and scraping to remove. Again, not one of my finer moments.

Since we don't like to disappoint, I thought you should know that once again this year we are playing host family to an exchange bird from who-knows-where. I can already tell, however, that we're going to have a better experience based on location alone. A lovely momma robin has perched herself happily in our holly tree out back and is patiently waiting for her four babes to leave their perfect blue eggshells behind and join the feathered, flying world. She graciously accepted our free nesting materials in the form of one nasty, ratty ol' trampoline pad and has fashioned quite a nice little nest for her brood of birdie babies.

Hannie B was so tickled to note that this year's bird family has four eggs, which is completely reflective of the change happening inside the walls of our own home - one bird baby for each human baby. If only our baby's gestation could be lickety split like the birds!

I was able to snap this picture in a moment when Mrs. Bird was off nest for a time. Is it not a beautiful sight? I keep looking at it thinking, "Wow! I took that perfect picture!" There is something about the Tiffany blue of the smooth eggs nestled against the textured brown of the twigs, resting on the cool green of Spring rejuvenated leaves. That description sounded a little crazy, but can you tell I am completely infatuated with birds and their nests!

We have a nice view of the nest from the window above the kitchen sink. I came in and found the RedDog sitting up on the counter today contentedly admiring our new family friend.

We'll let you know how the rest of the visit turns out.


The Carlsons said...

To bad you can't just keep this for your spring decorations. Oh well, I wish you luck this year and hope to see pictures of baby birdies in the near future.

christy said...

The picture is amazing. So pretty! We had baby robins a few years ago at our house in Ohio. It was so fun to watch them hatch and turn cute. Sadly, we moved to Kansas right before they flew out of their nest. Enjoy the experience!

The Queen Vee said...

Without out a doubt nature is the ultimate artist. It just doesn't get any better than mama Robin's egg filled nested creation.

How appropriate that there are 4 perfect and gorgeous little blue eggs. I'll be coming over to check out this baby nursery and it's occupants promptly, I don't want to miss any of the action.

Apis Melliflora said...

Gorgeous picture! Nicely done, Edward and talented Dragonfly!

Those four eggs fit perfectly in that nest. When those little birdies have flown away, I hope to see the "cleaned" nest in a future decorating project!

Tobi said...

I would call those the perfect blue rollies. You photog skills are showing. It's a great picture. I'm very happy the birds have set up shop in a tree instead of on your front door.

LJB said...

Gorgeous picture! For the past two years we have had robin's nests in our trees out back, the kids (and me) are simply mesmerized by them. So fun to watch the whole thing from the birds building the nest to when the babies finally spread their wings and fly out! So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we get another nest this year. We usually start seeing nests mid-May around here!

squeezeme said...

This is your year for bird hatching redemption. This must be a much smarter mamma bird. Enjoy watching the miracle of hatching!