January 17, 2008

A Moose, His Tooth, And My Dad . . .

In the 70's Hallmark published some pretty great children's books. In 1974, Bruce's Loose Tooth became a reading staple in our home. It was the tale of a moose, his friend (a goose) and one loose tooth that didn't want to come out. The two friends do everything they can to get the tooth out, including tying a rock to it and eventually tying the tooth to a caboose! This great book had an actual piece of string running through it that was always attached to Bruce's tooth. My brother Christopher and I loved this book!

I own this book, and today when I want this book, for some reason cannot find it anywhere in my house (although I did find two other Hallmark classics - The Haunted House and Mother Goose.) This book is going for $50-$60 on Ebay, which I must say is a little weird -- it's not THAT good.

Nevertheless, I needed the book today because today my dad is having F-I-V-E of his permanent teeth taken out to prepare his mouth for the radiation treatment he will be starting on February 4th. I wanted to read about Bruce today so I could smile about that silly Moose trying to get rid of his one tooth. I wanted to read the book to my kids so they would laugh instead of worry about Papa and what will happen when he has no teeth to chew with.

Moose with loose teeth are funnier than dad's losing real teeth. We're praying for my dad today, that it goes well, that he'll heal fast . . . and that it doesn't take a caboose!


Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Your dad is constantly in my thoughts. But right now, I'm really hoping he remembers to put those teeth under his pillow and he gets something really great tonight from the tooth fairy! He totally deserves it!! :-)

And I plan on taking you into West Virginia as soon as I can to see if you are on any "wanted" posters.

Tobi said...

Man your Dad is tough! I think I would just cry if I had to loose five teeth all at once. We are still praying for all of you.

Sue said...

Are they all molars or will there be some of the front teeth missing? If so, you could have some real fun with that. "What happens when you fill a whole pillowcase up on Halloween" or "Why you should not take up boxing when you're over 60."

Lots of love and prayers headed your way!

C and Co. said...

I had this book when I was a kid. I loved it! What a sweet post! We are praying for your dad too!!

Laura G. said...

Hello. I was looking for this book too. My son had a front tooth that wouldn't fall out and I had this book when I was a kid. So far the cheapest price is about $40 on Amazon.com. There is an alternative..."Moose's Loose Tooth" by Jacqueline Clarke. ISBN#978-0-439-411837. Still cute, but without the string. And Moose has a lot more friends.
Hope it helps.