January 17, 2008

Two More Things . . .

This is what you get at my house if you're 4 1/2, cute as a button and actually missed your mom while she was gone for four days!

This is what you get at my house when you go down into the basement and iron for two hours without looking outside.

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Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Girl, you seriously look 20 in this picture. I'm now totally on board with the hair. You're all looking like a college hotty babe. I had to look a couple of times to see if I believed it was you!

Tobi said...

I miss snow! You take very pretty pictures. Keep blogging and producing great pictures!

Sue said...

Ironing? What's that?

I'm with Shar- you look like a mere pup in that picture!

The Carlsons said...

I looked and now I leave a comment. Hi A

Kernal Ken said...

Third picture... Title.

"Raggedy Dog begs for heat from nearby lantern."

Observant, eh?

Matt said...

My body always tends to tense up when I see the snow in Virginia. Unlike Colorado the snow weighs so much and I have flashbacks to shoveling in high school. Make the bad memories go away.

The Carlsons said...

I was looking through your "you might like this" and I was trying to figure out who came to visit you and was giving Soren a kiss.....I still love the brown hair but I didn't have a clue it was you. HaHa