January 15, 2008

The War on Cancer

For those interested in what is happening with my dad and his throat cancer, please add the link to HIS NEW BLOG to your list! He'd be thrilled to have visitors and I'd love for him to have all the support and love possible!


Blog Title: From Ranger to Leatherneck


Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

As instructed - went and visited. You know your family rocks right?

Crazy Granny said...

wow! you look great, you write great, you are great. I'm so proud to be you auntie.

The Queen Vee said...

Thanks to you and Travis for giving such love and support to dad. Not to mention but must those low calorie Mona Sweet Rolls. I'm sure they have healing power at least for one of us.

Sue said...

Sam- send me an email at
and I can give you Stacey Gerlach's email. I keep in touch with Lori and we visit each other once a year. Stacey and her hubby just got back from Africa, so I'm sure she'll have lots of fun stories to tell!

Carmen said...

Sam, This is Carmen Lynch (Aseron)I'm just reading your mom and dad's emails now. I know the best thing I can offer up for them are prayers, but please let me know if there is anything I can do. Your mom has been such a good friend to me over the years, I'd love to give back to her in return. I'll email them as well. I'll keep up with them on the blog, but here is my email if you would like to contact me. carmen.lynch@verizon.net

Your family is beautiful, you can see my for at: 6lynches.blogspot.com.