This boy though. The one we call RedDog. Do you see it? RedDog is sweet, spiritual, sensitive, mischievous, smart and funny. He is a crucial part of our family, balancing out quite a few strong, stubborn personalities with his calm nature. And last week he gave us a scare.
I got a call from the school nurse telling me Soren had passed out in the cafeteria during lunch. I rushed to the school, where he was in the nurse’s office with low blood pressure. He and I spent the rest of the afternoon at the doctor having multiple tests run.
I can’t begin to tell you all the thoughts that went through my head while I was driving to get him. Mostly a lot of praying and asking God to please not let anything be wrong with my boy. There were also some tears as I imagined him in pain or being scared in any way. Oh, how these Momma emotions get me!
He had blood drawn for the first time. I could tell he was nervous, so I stood right next to him and talked to him while it was happening. He did great.
He also had an EKG done. We took this picture to send to Ollie so he could see that Soren is being turned into a robot. I loved that he thought of his little brother when all I could do is think of him.
All of his tests turned out completely normal. His blood pressure, which was read several times during the visit, was also normal. We don’t know why he fainted. But I am so glad he is okay.
I love Soren. He is so special to me. Even though this was a tough day, I’m glad we got to spend it together.
I love this boy too, he's the only one to give me a hug, without being asked, of welcome and goodbye every time he sees me. I'm glad the tests said he was a normal great kid with no discernible health problems. Maybe he just wanted to scare us.
Yep, health scares can rock your world alright. Big sigh of relief that it was nothing more than a freak occurrence. A.M.
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