April 20, 2014

Easter Morning …

I hope you’ll take a minute to watch this video today. It is important to me. It is one of the most important things to me. I believe in and love my Savior Jesus Christ. He takes me in all my imperfections and gives me hope, makes me whole, and gives me a perfect example to follow in all I do. This Easter morning it is Him I honor and think of.

(Shout out to both of my brothers whose company worked so hard on producing this beautiful video.)

Happy Easter!


Janie said...

Love your post - the video is perfect!! Thanks for sharing your sweet testimony and all you for me as a ardent follower. You're the best!

MelancholySmile said...

Love the video! Your brothers are in film production?!

The Queen Vee said...

Amen sister, whoops I mean daughter well and sister in the big picture. Loved both videos, very positive and a reminder of what is really important.