November 5, 2013

Numbers and The Sky …

october sky

Four. The number of kids who were home from school with me for the past two days. And believe it or not, they were super happy AND super helpful!

Six Forty Five. The time of morning I caught this sunrise out my front door. Getting up early is totally worth it. Some days.

Thirty-Nine. Pieces of Halloween candy left in this house. I tried a new approach this year and let them eat it whenever they wanted. Now it’s almost gone and I couldn’t be happier.

Two. Bins of Halloween decorations I finally put away today. Now I’ve got to muster up the energy to put out Thanksgiving.

Twelve. Number of trips to the curb with the BIG tarp full of raked leaves yesterday. Ollie rode the leaf pile all twelve times!

Thirty. Number of hours Big C has spent volunteering at the Republican party headquarters working for the Gubernatorial campaign.

Twenty-three. Number of necklaces I made today for the teenaged girls at my church. It was a fun little creative outlet.

Seven. the number of times I smiled yesterday just because RedDog decided to clean his entire room (even under the bed) AND vacuum the stairs without being asked.

Four. Number of cookies I ate today. To be fair though, I was actually taste testing one for a friend.

Eight. Number of cats Hannie B has obsessed over today. Seriously, how can I convince her that they are evil?

Seventeen. Days until the second Hunger Games movie opens. Yep. I’m a dork.

Five. The number of times I helped Ollie get his shoes on today. It’s time for velcro shoes.

Fifteen. Number of pounds I’d really like to lose. (See above for cookies and Halloween candy.)

??????. The number of human teeth sitting in a jar of bloody liquid on my kitchen counter awaiting their turn in a Science Fair project.

I’m pretty sure I should end there.


AllisonK said...

The teeth are gross. You are a good mom! Love your list.

Apis Melliflora said...

Fun post.
Seven is my favorite.
Our kids have no idea of the impact helpful, cheerful children can have on our disposition!

The Queen Vee said...

20….pounds I need to lose
11….years that I've been losing and gaining them.
20….how many more years that I will probably continue to lose and gain them.
1 zillion…how much I love you.

I always love your number posts.

TracyS. said...

great counting. I'm curious about the teeth though.

Aiketa said...

I also always love your number/random post!

I'm with Hannie B, cats are not evil! hahahahaha I grew up having two cats, now I have two dogs. I now know that dogs are much more loving and reliable than cats, but also much more work. Cats can be cute too! My male cat was the King Cat of our neighborhood (maybe even other neighborhoods too), but also really loving with us!

Aiketa said...

By the way, your sunrise photo is so beautiful. I don't usually wake up that early, or if so I don't have views to see it (Yeah, the problems of living in a flat in the city and not in the higher floors...), but I agree with you. At least, usually it compensates for waking up that early!