January 1, 2012

And On To A New Year…

looking back

I blinked and it’s a New Year! Can I get an amen to the fact that 2011 flew by faster than any year in the history of the world? Okay, in the history of my almost 39 years. I’m old. But it’s a New year, so today we’re going with new.

There’s a new look to my blog. It is a “look in progress”.  I wanted to pay a professional to give my little space makeover, but in a frugal, budgetary moment {read: broke after Christmas}I realized that wasn’t going to happen so I have been playing around on my own, reading tutorials here and there on HTML and mostly feeling a great sense of frustration at my ignorance in all things computer.

More slight changes will be on the way as I manage to figure them out.  For now, I hope you enjoy a cleaner space with less visual clutter and larger photos.

In other “New News”, here are a few other things that managed to blow my mind over the holidays:

New sleeping arrangements. My boy Owlie is in a bed. He generously donated his crib to another baby and has become a world class bed jumper. He is still napping and sleeping great, but only because we didn’t remove the pacifier at the same time. And so my baby is a big boy. Next hurdle: toilet usage.

New kid on the block. My boy Big C did two new things over the break: he logged onto facebook for the first time and danced with girls. I am happy to report that he survived both and I think he will do both again frequently.

New food. Jennie Doezie was here for Christmas which meant we ate like kings.  I have a serious issue with food. I love it too, too much. I’ve got new recipes to share with you – some healthy and some very, very not.

New goals. Yep, it’s that time of year when I look back, realize I didn’t do half of what I’d set out to and then set new goals to not keep for this year.  Actually, I’ve taken a nod from my Photobro who only set ONE goal last year and actually accomplished it. I have three measly goals and I’ll share them tomorrow.

That’s what’s new around here.  I’d love to know what’s new with YOU. Hey, do me a favor. If you’re new to my blog, say hi in the comments.  If you’re not new, but haven’t spoken up in a while – or ever – help me out.  My husband likes to joke that I’m having a one way conversation with myself.

But who are we kidding? Me talking to myself is nothing new.


Apis Melliflora said...

The new look is crisp and clean. I especially like the bigger pictures. I'm on board for the New Year's resolutions, especially a certain cliche one, as I have to don a swimsuit in 2 weeks.

The Queen Vee said...

Blog looks great Dragonfly. Nothing new at my house> I'm just going to focus on the same old goals as last year....scripture reading, gym attending, sorting, cleaning and get rid of ing and of course simplifying.

TracyS. said...

Happy New Year- love the new look. New Year's resolutions are great. I usually pick one- this year it's developping a servant heart in myself and family.

LRae said...

Hi, I read your blog every day. I love your attitude towards life--your positive outlook and how you embrace it all--the wonderful and the "real". I admire you and find you enormously talented. It lifts me up. Tell your hubby you are absolutely not having a conversation with yourself!

Unknown said...

I think talking to yourself is healthy. :) I love that picture of you . You are beautiful as ever. :)

MelancholySmile said...

Nice to have you back, and even nicer to find a bright, shiny new blog! Exciting stuff. :) I haven't made resolutions yet-- maybe tomorrow?

Sue said...

Happy to see you back and excited to hear about your Christmas and New Year's festivities. And you know what I love most about your new look? The date tag changed from military orientation to plain Jane month, day, year. I always had to strain my brain to figure out what day you posted when the day number was followed by the month number. I'm lame like that.

Anonymous said...

love the new look and glad you are back

Margy said...

The blog looks great! I'm happy to hear Mr. Owlie is still sleeping well and so happy you are back to posting. Happy new year!

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

I really like the look of your blog now, Sam! And no, you are definitely not having a one way conversation with yourself. You are constantly inspiring me.

Welcome back after the holiday!!!

jennifer's little things said...

I've taken a computer vacay but I'm back, catching, up, and I love your new look! And even though your conversation with yourself might be more interesting than me chiming in, I resolve to comment more this new year!


Bells said...

I can't wrap my brain around a new year yet! We're still kind of on vacation mode. Company just left, kids are beginning their 3 week off track time. I resolve to make some goals, but I haven't had any time to myself to reflect and plan. I'll get to it....
Glad you are back and ready to motivate your devoted followers!