December 12, 2011

Thoughts on Being Productive …


I love when I’m super productive.  And I secretly hate it too. Because it means I’m running non-stop. Today is one of those days.  Five million things to do.  Only twenty-four hours to do them in.  Well, sixteen if I want sleep.

This morning I finished stuffing the last of the 105 Christmas cards.  I finally had to resort to a sponge to close the envelopes because my mouth was so dry from licking them.

Now I’m off to finish up some last minute birthday shopping for Big C.  December birthdays are tough. I wouldn’t wish it on a kid.

Then I’m coming back home to finalize the details for a table I’m setting for a dinner tomorrow night at our church.  I’ll share my unconventional Christmas table with you tomorrow. No red whatsoever.

After that I’ve got neighbor gifts to assemble so we can deliver them tonight for Family Home Evening.  We’re doing our fresh Christmas simmering potpourri again this year since it was a huge hit last year.

Both Big C and RedDog are looking ultra shaggy in the hair department, so a quick trip to the barber afterschool should fix that.

And Miss Hannie B. is auditioning for the Middle School Musical on Thursday, so we’ve got to download her song both with and without words for practicing purposes.

There’s laundry {of course} and the narrowing down of cookie recipes for the perfect Queen’s Dish contribution on Wednesday.

And I’m really, really, REALLY trying to make it to the gym three times a week in an effort to learn to like to run.

So, I’ve got a lot going on today.  I will collapse in my bed at 11:00 tonight and snooze like a baby.

Hope your day’s a productive or totally lazy one.


Apis Melliflora said...

Hope the sun is shining there today so that you get that extra vitamin D boost you need to power you through the day. Grab a Luna Bar too!

I am following in your productive path today...I hope.

The Queen Vee said...

I would never get all that done, well maybe I would have 20 years ago.

Aiketa said...

I had a really productive day today...
It started at 7am in Parma (Italy). I took a train to Bologna, then a flight to Girona (Catalonia, Spain), then the car to Barcelona.

At 3pm, just 15 minutes after arriving at my flat, I was at the faculty because I had two hours of class at school. Done also two mini-test.

Then headed to the city center to buy some present for an exchange gift "thing" we are doing on Wednesday with the theatre group.

After all that, I headed home where a Finnish friend was waiting for me. We had a a really nice late-afternoon catching up on each others lives...

I set the bed for her and now it's 1 am and I need to go to sleep.

Only two things I didn't accomplish today:
- Setting the Christmas Tree.
- Preparing the hint for the receiver of my present to know how is giving him the present.

I feel productive today!

Tobi said...

Zero productivity is going on in this house. I have a Visiting Teaching lunch on Thursday and two Christmas parties at my kiddos school. Not to mention the ward Christmas party is this Saturday. And I haven't baked a single solitary treat. Oh I'm in trouble.