November 3, 2011

Every Five Years . . .


my Hubby and I go on a little getaway without our children.  It is a time to relax our minds, bodies and spirits, to enjoy one another’s company without interruption and to see the world.

We only take this kind of trip every five years for several reasons. First, that’s about all we can afford. Second, we feel a large amount of guilt in asking our parents to care for our four children so that we can vacation, and third, because life is busy and there rarely seems to be a time when we can just pack up and walk away from it all.

But this weekend we are doing just that.

We are jetting off to the Caribbean with my Photobro and fab sister-in-law for a week of sand, sun, snorkeling and sights. I am giddy with excitement.  I am ready to read good books, stay up late playing games, eat delicious food and take in an entirely new-to-me place.

Most of all, I am excited to be with my sweet Hubby who is the best person to be with on ANY vacation {okay, maybe not if it was to tour all of the houses from the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice, but you get my drift}.

I am not taking my computer with me on this trip.  I may have access to an iPhone to post a photo or two. Then again, I may not. But I will be documenting my trip and hope to share some details when I return a completely relaxed and replenished version of my current self.

I can say without hesitation that the five year couples-only vacation plan is one of the best traditions the Hubby and I have.


Aiketa said...

I say, ENJOY every moment of this trip and don't post anything! Just disconnect.
We will wait until your back to know about your trip and see some awesome photos.

Have an awesome trip Dragonfly!!!

The Queen Vee said...

I hope it exceeds all your expectations.

Burton's blog said...

That sounds amazing! Have a wonderful trip.

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

Have a WONDERFUL time!!!!

Emily said...

Wow,Enjoy yourself! Sounds amazing!

Apis Melliflora said...

Wonderful. Wonderful! WONDERFUL!

MelancholySmile said...

That's the best idea! I may steal it. :) Have a great time!!

TooTall said...

I second what Apis said only adding-->
Jealous. Jealous! JEALOUS!