September 30, 2011

Something Pretty . . .

Thank you for all the great advice yesterday about my festering finger! I feel confident that it is going to get better if I do the things you suggested.

Today I feel like talking about something pretty.  It’s this tiny cut glass bowl that was given to me after my Hubby’s grandma passed away. It fits nicely in the palm of my hand.


I love its beaded detail and scalloped edge.  I love the little pedestal base and elegant feet. It’s such a feminine, dainty piece.  I knew when I received it that it would be used for something special in my bedroom.


It’s where I keep my wedding ring when I’m not wearing it. Since my ring is a family heirloom, I have serious fears of losing or misplacing it. I’ve got lots of spaces for other types of jewelry, but I’m happy that I have this very special place for my most precious piece of jewelry.


Now that I’m going to wash my hands without my rings, I think it will be getting even more use.  Do you have somewhere to put your  favorite jewelry for safe keeping? Do tell.



Apis Melliflora said...

I have lots of special little bowls I could and should use. But right now, I just put them on my nightstand before bed. Maybe this'll be next week's project.

I love the way you've found a special use for a special treasure.

Bells said...

I love how you love tradition and family and heirlooms. Who or where did this beautiful ring heirloom come from? Happy Conference Week-end!

Tobi said...

I'm a sucker for a beautiful footed bowl. Well mostly I'm just a sucker for glass. =)