February 7, 2011

Love Week 2011 . . .


Photo by Chris Carlson

It’s Love Week here at The Compound Eye.  I am going to spend the entirety of this week proclaiming my undying love for people and things. I hope you’ll join me.

First up, I have to put it out there:  I love my family.  We are far from perfect, but man, do we have a great time together.

Case in point: The Super Bowl last night.  While some chose to watch the game live on the BIG screen in the basement where it was quiet, the rest of us decided to be obnoxious and loud while razzing my Photobro upstairs as his team lost. The upstairs crew also felt it was a better location because we could rewind the best commercials and laugh at them twice {hello Doritos and Darth Vader}. We could also tease my mom about the car that gives Facebook updates while munching on her super-delicious Snickerdoodles. And everyone could laugh as Ollie projectile barfed all over the Hubby, but still stay and party even though my baby was sick.  Now that, my friends, is family.

All kidding aside, my family is always there for me, supporting me in whatever I do.  My mom seems to make the trek here at least once a week to tend Ollie. My sis Audrey is my go-to-girl for a good gab.  My dad has come to every single one of Big C’s basketball games to take stats for him. My older brother, in all his smugness and glory, is a complete softy on the inside and I love being with him because he makes me laugh a lot. And though I don’t get to see my other two siblings as often, I count on talking to them multiple times a week to get me through.

I am a lucky girl. I hope they all know how much I adore and admire them.  Thanks family.  I love you.

PS. Have you entered my Valentine’s Giveaway? It ends tonight at 5 p.m. EST, so hurry, because I want to give you free stuff!


Kernal Ken said...

And we love you more!

Apis Melliflora said...

Love you too Dragonfly!

That VW Darth Vader commercial was awesome. We watched it at least 7 times.

Anonymous said...

I loved the Darth Vadar ad too. Chevy had two very funny ads that made it into my top three favorite ads.

At Christmas dinner, at Mindy and Matt's house, I was thinking I am so lucky to have married into this wonderful family.

Kernal Ken said...

The Kernal is correct, but we are glad you love us back and don't mind hanging out with us occasionally.

Emily said...

You do have a great family!

AllisonK said...

You do have a great family! It sounds like it was a wonderful evening.

squeezeme said...

I love the Carlsons too!

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

You said it perfectly....family is what it is all about!

Alicia said...

What an incredible family you have!

TracieCarter said...

What a fun picture and how it speaks volumes to the journey life is! So happy for you and the ones you love!