September 17, 2010

Writer’s Block, Fall Edition . . .


Photo by Chris Carlson

I’m having a case of writer’s block today.  Thought I’d write about how I found the beautiful upholstered chair in Hannie’s new room with one of the legs snapped clean off – but that’s a total downer.  Thought of writing about how Ollie’s been sick and feverish for three days, but then the school called to tell me Hannie was feverish, so I had to go get her. Thought about doing a reveal, but the truth is every room is just shy of being done enough to be photographed.

So, instead of blogging about any of the above, I thought I’d spew out ten random facts about myself unknown to the general blog readership.  Here goes:

10. I like my butter at room temperature.  There is nothing so frustrating to me as scraping cold butter onto a piece of toast, tearing the delicious bread to shreds. Ours sits in a little dish on the counter covered by a glass dome.

9.  Touching raw meat kicks my gag reflex into gear.  I used to wear plastic gloves to touch it.  Now while preparing it for a meal I pretty much have to chant to myself, “This is not raw flesh, this is not raw flesh.”  I’d be a vegetarian if the meat didn’t taste so darn good!

8.  I am a bathaholic.  As soon as it turns cool enough outside {like in three weeks} I’ll start taking a bath every night.  I am like the frog who got boiled in the pot, I start out with my water just a little warm and then turn it to scalding while filling up. I end up with horribly dry skin, but I can’t help myself.  There is something about laying in hot water that relaxes my soul.

7.  I am a sucker for books.  I will ignore my whole universe if I’m reading a good one.  Because of this, I force myself to do most of my reading at night so I don’t neglect my family.  Instead, I neglect my sleep and always regret it in the morning.

6. I hate spiders and cats, in that order.  Spiders freak me out in a major way.  The Hubby is the designated spider killer in our house and has been known to find me screaming for him while sitting on the toilet because I’ve spotted one across the bathroom.  It sounds silly, but my fear is real.  Cats – well, I’m seriously allergic, and for this reason they seek me out, rub up against my legs and purr, which pretty much gives me the willies. But not as bad as spiders.

5. The following list of junk makes me really happy:  cheese Doritoes, peanut M & Ms, anything containing caramel, old fashioned donuts and Dr. Pepper.  Fortunately, we never have any of these things in our house.  Unfortunately, I have been known to occasionaly give in to temptation, buy them and immediately consume them when the opportunity arises.

4.  In the winter I wear thick, fluffy socks to bed.  My feet are always cold.  Meanwhile, my Hubby is sweating and shedding layers next to me.

3. I am downright decent at the following winter sports: downhill skiing, ice skating & snow sculpting {okay, not a sport, but I am good at it}. It is for this reason, plus hot chocolate, fires in the fireplace, Christmas cookies and school getting cancelled, that I pretty much heart Winter in a close tie with Fall for the seasons.

2. I am “The Pleaser” in my family.  Maybe it’s a middle child thing.  Maybe it’s an only daughter {until age 35} thing.  I just feel better when everyone is happy, getting along and things are smooth.  I hate it when people are disappointed, and especially disappointed in me.

1. When I was a kid I had crushes on two people: Donny Osmond and Bo Duke {aka: John Schneider}.  In future posts I will detail how I met one of these two in person and how my older brother has teased me publicly about the other for years.

Have a great weekend!  I’m off to take care of sick kids.  Awesome.


christy said...

I share your love of Dr. Pepper, old fashioned donuts and peanut m&ms (though peanut butter are my new favorite). I can't wait to see all your transformed rooms.

AllisonK said...

This is a wonderful list. So many things we have in common, butter, meat, peanut m&m's (as in with a fatigued body from last nights read).

Except the Donny thing... I never quite figured him out and I always thought he and marie were married (until a few years ago). I'm a little slow.

Apis Melliflora said...

You should have writer's block more often. =-)

Emily said...

Whatever writer's block. Nice to learn new info about you. Good Luck with the sickies.

Burton's blog said...

First- Amazing picture! Print it out no smaller than 16 x 20 and enjoy it everyday! Second- 10 great reminders of why I like you so much. Wish I lived closer!

squeezeme said...

Not surprisingly we have several of the same favorites/requirements on our list! We can compare in person next week! One recommendation: All Natural Land-a-Lakes Spreadable butter--in case it just to hot in your house and your butter in the butterdish on the counter keeps turning into soup. (Which a child or two in my home have been known to eat with a spoon....)

Elise said...

We have so much in common. Cold butter makes me grouchy! All the same except, I don't know how good I am at skiing any more, it's been a while. I used to love it though.
Sorry to hear about your sick kids, hope they get better soon. I hate it when the school calls. Hate. It. It's never good news.

TracieCarter said...

What a fantastic picture of you two! And look how tiny you are after 4 kids!! Clearance peanut M&Ms after every holiday pretty much put me in the sad state I'm in last year. So I regularly now visit the HLHW site and am getting my own local support posse going ;) Accountability is key!

Jessie said...

Okay, first of all, you look fab! That photo is perfect of you and Mr. Owlie. Love it!

So many of of your little likes and dislikes I completely share with you! Our butter is on the counter too, I'm obsessed w/baths, love bks, spider and cat hater too, and love the same junk food. Except I'm a Diet Coke devotee.

So sorry the kids are sick....

Kernal Ken said...

I've got writers block, I'm tired. Time to go home.

The Queen Vee said...

That wasn't Kernal Ken it was me.

jennifer's little things said...

Butter, baths, books, disappointment & Donny Osmond - I can totally relate.....

I don't usually comment but felt I should this time just to say that I wish I could have writer's block like you. :)

Susan said...

Love the picture. You and I share some favorite things.

Tobi said...

Dr. Pepper and peanut M&M's are my favorite too. I try hard never to buy either of them because I will gobble them up in a very unladylike fashion.

NovelTeaMommy said...

I don't usually comment(I know, bad blog manners) but I couldn't help myself this morning. I love your writing and I love your list! I share many of the same points, but many of the people I surround myself with do not ; ) Unlike you, I frequently cave to my Dr. Peppe and Krispy Kreme doughnuts. And butter? I cannot tell you how crazy it makes me (on the inside) to go to someone elses house and have to use cold butter! And books at night. Every morning I say not again, and every night I say oh well!

P.S. That is an awesome picture!