What better way to start the new year than with some BIG news and a little bit of change here on the blog?
First, the blog change:
One of my goals for the new year is to become even more familiar and proficient with my beloved camera Edward. He's proven loving and faithful in the past year and it's time for me to take our relationship to the next level. So yesterday I dragged out the manual that came with Edward and I've decided that I will plow through it page by page, deciphering unfamiliar terms and trying out new processes until I'm a photographer extraordinaire! {in reality, I see myself calling on my Photobro for much advice, help and untangling of a confused brain.}
In order to have accountability for this goal, I am turning to you, the readers of this silly-little-blog-about-nothing, for help. If you peek to the right of the blog you'll see a new dragonfly with a title of "Dragonfly Days". Click on the dragonfly and you'll be linked to my new photoblog, where I plan to post a photo a day from my tiny speck of a life for the next year. I wish I could take credit for this idea, but the inspiration for this year's photo chronicle comes from my friend Lee who is a talented, real, live professional photographer {and mom to three disconcertingly handsome boys}.
To those of you wondering why I'd take on the task of capturing 365 days when I couldn't even get 52 pictures of my family in 52 weeks - don't worry - I think this will be easier because I'm not required to corral all six of us for each photo. I hope you'll go over and check it out!
Now to the Big news! {and great blog recommendation . . .}
A few years ago a friend of mine from college guest blogged on a 'little' blog {as in HUGELY GIGANTIC} called Design Mom. What made the guest appearance unusual was that my friend was a HE blogging on a lifestyle blog for moms. I checked his writing out and was immediately hooked on Gabrielle Blair's practical, helpful and uber stylish blog for moms. Gabrielle is amazing in so many ways, but I most admire her ability to juggle all her life entails while still being a super fun and dedicated mom to her kids. I've borrowed many of her ideas for my own brood and they always prove to be downright fun.
A few months ago Gabrielle revealed that she was pregnant with her sixth child! Every Wednesday since then she has been posting really beautiful birth stories submitted by her readers. I have been mesmerized by the many and varied stories she's shared - from infertility, to adoption, to miscarriage, to multiples, to home births, she's covering the spectrum!
I decided a few weeks ago that I would submit the story of my mom, my sister and myself and today Gabrielle will be sharing it with the blog world. I cannot tell you how big a deal this is! I'm like the little kid who's been told they get to stay up late with the grown ups! I hope you'll stop by and leave a comment. I feel very honored, not just to be a part of Design Mom's Birth Story Collection, but also to share the very special story of three births with a larger audience.
You can check out one of my favorite posts from Design Mom here. Happy Wednesday to you all!
ps. Lots of links in this post! Don't forget to click on the blue words to be magically transported to some very happy places.
I just reread your "birth" story and it made me tear up all over again. I think you can cross "wanna-be writer" off your list. You're there. Such a beautiful story told like only you could. Bravo!
I'm right there with Christy...coming here via your inspiring story told so beautifully over on Design Mom. I also love your photography goal. I've had my Nikon D40 for a year and need to become better friends with it. I hadn't thought of naming it. :) Thanks for the inspiration.
Yes, I loved reading about your families birth story. Can't wait to see all your wonderful photos this year.
I just read your story on design mom. So special! Thanks for sharing.
So proud of you today! And can't wait to see what Team Edward will capture as the year unfolds. I'm with Kasey, cross off wanna-be-writer and replace it with wanna-be-photographer, although I think you're pretty far along on that goal too :-)
Oh, I just realized photographer is already up there. You go sista!
I've been reading Design Mom for a couple of years, and imagine my surprise when I found a familiar face there today! My husband, Matt, and I were both in your ward at BYU. In fact, I remember coming to your lovely wedding reception with my roommates. How fun to see you (virtually) after all of these years. Your story on Design Mom was fascinating! and tender. I love small world moments...
Liz Lambert
I read your story on Design Mom (you might want to tell her to fix the link to your blog)
it was beautiful
I love happy endings, especially one that involves sisters.
Hopping over from Design Mom. Your story is so moving and powerful and lovely.
Congrats on the guest appearance. Such a great story. Already love all the photos you post. I think I have the same camera, so I'll be looking to you for inspiration!
Congrats on the guest posting on Design Mom! I always love reading your birth story post. I am looking forward to seeing your pictures as well. I love how you are always developing the many talents you have. You are a great example and an inspiration!
It was an amazing story! Thank you for sharing it. Just beautiful :)
Your post was AMAZING. Loved it!
I found you from Gabrielle's blog. What a beautifully written and touching story. It's my favorite pregnancy story from Design Mom! And I love your photos! (You just inspired me to name my camera too.)
I found your blog through Design Mom, I just had to leave a comment saying how much your words moved me. What an incredible story. Thank you for having the heart to tell it so honestly.
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