Do you have a favorite Christmas cookie or treat? If so, would you be willing to share the recipe in the comments section? My waistline and I would be ever so grateful.
I'm off to wrap presents {of the birthday kind!} because today is Big C's twelfth birthday. Being 12 is a HUGE deal around here. I'll talk more about that on Thursday. Don't forget, you have until 5:00 EST today to enter the December giveaway! It's been a real treat to read about all the special gifts you've received over the years. I can't wait to send this package to one of you . . . maybe I should include some cookies.

I think I just might have to make a quick batch of these today, just for trying them out, of course. I'm not sure if I have a favorite "holiday" cookie. I'll have to think bout that. Big shout out to the 12-year old. What a special birthday.
I love these cookies! (In my family they are called molasses cookies, same recipe though.) They are a wintry, Christmas time cookie and my personal favorite.
You should send cookies for sure. No matter what else is in the package, the cookies will still take the cake. Could this comment have any more calories?!
Happy Birthday to Big C. Can't believe he's a Deacon! The next few years bring so many fun experiences...I LOVE TEENAGERS! Have a wonderful day're one great kid!
Happy Birthday Big C! I remember when you were born and how happy I was for your mom and dad. Sam, I have on my to do list today "make Sam's Sister Benson cookies". I found my photo copy of the recipe that you gave me many years ago. I decided to check e-mail and read blogs for a minute first and I saw today's picture of the cookies. I'm off to the kitchen, happy baking! A Christmas tradition treat that I have made every year since I was a kid is a cornflake wreath. You make it like rice krispie treats only use cornflakes and you tint the marshmallow goo green. It looks like holly when you mold it into a circle/wreath shape on a pretty silver tray. We garnish it with red m&m holly berries. It is always a big hit with the kids. Merry Christmas, Janie
Happy Birthday Big C! Wow 12 years old!
We were sure lucky to get you for a daughter so that we could be lucky and have Christopher for a grandson.
You were lucky to get me for a mom so that you could have this cookie recipe which rocks! We sure are a lucky family.
Really 26 dozen? I've never made 26 dozen of anything....but I must say they are darn great cookies and I will be making them again this year-3 dozen or so! I also like "sandies" in the red and white better homes and garden cookbook. The powdered sugar and nuts are delightful!
Holy Baking, Batman! Oh but sooooo worth it!!! These are our new Christmas faves and we'll be doing up another couple batches to share. The school parties loved them and I do believe I will single handedly be relieving the commissary of it's molasses inventory just to be on the safe side for the coming year when the craving hits me. Don't trifle with cravings, EMBRACE THEM! That's my philosophy anyhow, no pregnancy required ;) My fave Christmas treat is hands down Ryan's turtles and they have not made their appearance yet this year. Gotta get on that, PRONTO! Love you!
I can't thank you enough for sharing this recipe with me. It's so delicious!
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