September 24, 2009

'Til We Meet Again . . .

{Photo courtesy of the Queen's facebook page}

On Thursday night my remarkable Uncle Kirk finished his brave battle with cancer.
On Monday I will journey West with Ollie, my dad and my siblings to celebrate this man and his exemplary life.
While I am on my "blogcation" next week, please do me two favors: First, pray for my sweet Aunt Julie and cousins Amanda and Liz to have peace. Second, go tell your family how much you love and adore them. And then tell them again. And again. And again.
'Til we meet again, Uncle Kirk. I love you!


Ruby Red Slippers said...

I am sorry to see that your uncle Kirk passed away...Til you meet again-Yes. Absolutely.

Apis Melliflora said...

I'm going to start telling mine now and I'll see you soon to celebrate, to laugh, to cry, to pray and to hug lots and lots of people.

Emily said...

I'm at a loss for words, that was way too fast. I'm sorry for your loss. I'll be praying for you.

Suzanne C said...

Lots of prayers, virtual hugs to you and your family.

MelancholySmile said...

Oh Dragonfly, I am so sorry. Even with knowledge of eternity, loss like that is so, so hard. Hugs and prayers for you and yours.

Tobi said...

I'm glad you are going to the funeral. Joel is trying his hardest to get emergency leave so he can go. Thank you for writing such a sweet tribute to Kirk. I'm sure going to miss him.

jd said...

I am so sorry Sam. Please give your mom and family (and yourself) a big hug from me. :(

The Queen Vee said...

Til we meet again dear brother, tis but a moment.

Ana said...

So sorry for the loss of your uncle. Glad you will have the opportunity to celebrate his life.