August 19, 2009

For The "Ladies" . . .

Have you seen one of these?

If you look past the finger print smudged kitchen chair to the adorable cowboy fabric, you'll see my latest "fauxing" project. I'd tell you it's official name, but I just can't bear to print it here on my blog. Instead I'll just tell you that it's a nursing mother's breast, I mean best, friend.

My SIL Mindy made one for me out of a great fabric with Asian inspired parasol umbrellas all over it {photo to come in a later post} and I adored it so much I had to learn how to make one to give to a few friends of mine at church who also just had babies. Every mother who's nursed a baby knows what a pain it is to cover the baby with a bulky blanket while nursing. The baby gets hot and sweaty, the mom gets hot and sweaty and neither can see the other, which can make things a bit tricky - at least for me.

This little nursing cover-up has plastic boning in a sleeve at the top and it arches nicely away from the mom's body so she can look down at her cute cherub while remaining discreet in public. Two straps adjust around the mom's neck and if the baby tries to pull it off, it actually gets tighter. C'mon people - THIS IS JUST GENIUS!!! Why didn't someone think of it when I had my other three kiddoes?

Much to her sheer horror, I made Hannie B. model my creation while fervently lecturing her about how she would not need one of these herself for at least 20 years. {Hey look, there's a fruit loop on the floor by her foot. Gross, does't anybody sweep at this house?} Any way, I'm including the directions I used to make this here for your use. I found them very easy to follow and my creations turned out so well I had to pat myself on the back after finishing. Granted, it was all straight line sewing, so even a faker like me could do it. Having darling vintage cowboy fabric didn't hurt either. I was able to purchase all of my supplies at Jo Ann's and made two of these for $25.00.

I know a couple of pregnant bloggers out there who could use one of these . . . you know who you are. Email me with fabric choices!


Tobi said...

Great job on your nursing covers! I sure wish these handy dandy devices were around when I was lactating.

Also give Hannie B a special treat for being such a super model. Poor girl must have been blushing three different shades of red. =)

mel said...

A couple of my nieces used these at the beach - with lots of people around - they were great! We talked about all the different names - and decided 'the dairy barn' was our personal favorite!!

Dion Seneca said...

I LOOOOOOVE these! And I personally love the name of them, too. I think it is very clever. However, out of respect to your discreteness, I will not reveal it here. But I think these are the best baby gear inventions in recent history!!!

Dan and Bec said...

I wish I had seen your post earlier...I just ordered one online. I should have known you would know/figure out how to make one on your own!!! Still no baby girl and too hot to sleep!

Julie said...

Why is everyone too demure to write "hooter hiders"? Apparently, I'm not as classy as the rest of your blogging friends 'cause I have no problem with it. :) Here's a funny story though -- we made them as an enrichment project at church and the gal in charge got up to announce it and just called it what it is and then afterward in our presidency meeting, the Relief Society president said, "I'm not sure that was appropriate, there were some pretty shocked faces in the class." Oh I thought that was just hilarious.

Apis Melliflora said...

Hoot, hoot! Perfect gift from the mother of Owlie!

Jamie said...

If you don't want to sew a nursing cover, click this link to purchase an awesome one at: