July 30, 2009

Three Word Thursday

Double. Chinnned. Delight.
Again, thanks to Cathe Holden {if you haven't checked out her blog yet, you simply must}, who's great idea of Three Word Thursday has not only given me a chance to evaluate my little world each Thursday, but has also given a new mom a chance to rest and still feel like she's contributing {however meagerly} to the blog world.


Apis Melliflora said...

The chin wins the gold, but those little pursed lips come a close second.

Tobi said...

Those chins look delicious! I love three word Thursday.

Lori said...

Sounds like a desert at DQ! Or at least sounds like what a desert at DQ would give you! HA! That photo is great.

nina said...

Sam, love the blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a comment on fav laundry products....my mother in law! if all else fails....the garbage can. lots of love. Nina